Saturday, June 29, 2013

Southwest Quinoa Pilaf

Quinoa. What to say about this stuff. I tried it once. I don't remember blogging about it, I suspect if I had it would be under the tag "yuck"- there is such a tag you know. I just didn't like it. Then I tried it when I was out and about, restaurants, deli's. Just to get to like it. No dice. My family? Forget about it. Before I go any further, I don't want anyone thinking, this quinoa recipe is going to be so good all the haters will be loving it. Not at all. I just my taste buds may have just changed, or whatever expectations I had before I don't remember them. That being said, all three of my girls tasted this Southwest Inspired Quinoa Pilaf and asked for more. Said they thought it was "so good!" Huh, go figure. Even DH ate it. I probably cooked it wrong or something last time. But it just goes to show you, or at least my girls here that every time I say "I know you've tried it before, try it again, your tastes may have changed," that it's true. It happens. Only truth here on Give Peas A Chance people. :P
Sorry about these pictures, they were before I tweaked the recipe and added the shallot, it's optional anyway. You may not even like shallot? Another thing about this, I can't cook rice on the stove top to save my life. I am so serious about that. And yes, I am Asian. It just is that way. However I can cook quinoa so woo hoo! I have some big plans for this little grain. I can't wait to share some of those ideas with you. *To make this even easier, I updated with a Pressure Cooker method, I use an Instant Pot and its SO much faster and easier.
Do you eat quinoa? What's your favorite way to prepare it?
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Friday, June 28, 2013

In Between- #FiveMinuteFriday #FMFParty

In Between-
My middle child probably feels like she's perpetually in between ages.
Too young to do what her older sister does.
Too old to do certain things that her youngest sister does.
I was not a middle child, we didn't have a middle child in our family. It was just two of us.
In the middle.
She turns 7 this coming week.
I'm praying that she continues to grow, to find balance in her life.
To find blessing in the limits she has now, and freedom in being an older sister also.
Freedom in knowing where God has placed her in our family.
Knowing that she was made for a purpose, that is her's and her's alone to fulfill.
Not her older sister.
Not her younger sister.
Just her, the perfect "In Between".
I pray that the Lord will draw her near.
That she would grow to chase after God.
To be a woman after His own heart.
That she would delight herself in Him.
That He would place His perfect desire's in her heart.
That she would flourish in the middle.
That she would never waver seeking to be older.
That she would never look back, wishing she was younger.
That she would just be all that God has created her to be.

1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back on Lisa-Jo's blog through the button below or this link and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community..
 Five Minute Friday

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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Planetbox Shuttle- Review

Oh Planetbox, how I love thee, let me count the ways.
1. Eco friendly
2. Easy to pack
4. Foods don't touch 
5. Container and lid are attached. Read- no lost lids
4. Bag is hand washable
5. Stainless steel
6. Five year warranty 
7. These boxes are very easy to open. Just lift the little latch.
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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Wednesday Words- Kama tov chasde'cha Adonai elai

Kama tov chasde'cha
Adonai elai
(How good is your grace
God to me)
Elohai yish'i
Elohai yish'i
(God of my salvation)

I had to look up these lyrics. Such a beautiful song. Such truth. So lost in love. Blessed. Loved. Redeemed.
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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

2013 Bento 146-156 #TakeitTuesday

I wanted to invite you all to share your lunches on my Facebook wall, Instagram (see hashtags below), Twitter, and in comments below.
Share your latest lunches- if you have a photo to upload, an Instagram post, a blog post. 
HASHTAGS- for Twitter/Facebook/Instagram/Pinterest  #peasblog #TakeitTuesday
Or come and share you favorite lunch box recipe.
Please make sure you link to all recipes and credit sources. I will delete any recipes that have been cut and pasted. Please leave links only.
And don't forget to scroll down to see our lunches!
Lunches packed in Planetboxes
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Monday, June 24, 2013

Slider Cupcakes

Having a cookout this summer? Birthday party? Want to make a fun dessert? This weeks ManIc MoNdAy features Slider Cupcakes. I first made these in 2009 for Piglet's birthday. They are very easy, you can see the original post HERE on Give Peas A Chance.
Vanilla cake buns sprinkled with sesame seeds
Brownie hamburger patties
Coconut flakes tinted green for lettuce
Red and yellow icing for mustard and ketchup.

More burger toppings
Use tootsie rolls, in two colors and stretch it out to make bacon
Use yellow or orange Starbursts and stretch them out to make cheese slices
Use yellow fruit leather to make cheese slices

Serve this with
Toasted strips of pound cake as fries
Use strawberry jelly for ketchup
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Sunday, June 23, 2013

MAMBaby - #Giveaway

When I had littles (ok and still even now) if I have to help my kids with brushing their teeth - usually just Pixie. UGH. Gag. So when I first saw this MAM Learn To Brush set, that had the smaller soft bristled brush, AND the extended handle so parents can still help control the brush, I was like, "well duh, where have you been?" See, here's my thing about brushing teeth. Slobber, drool, kids swallowing toothpaste. I mean for reals. GAG. With the control you get from this extended handle you can be done faster.  You also don't get drool all over your hands. I'm sorry, I know this is a food blog and that's just gross but there you go. I like that the grips are soft and have texture, no slipping and sliding of the hands. 
Pixie's molars are coming in, so she's biting her arm, her fingers, chopsticks. The end of the longer Training Brush on the left has a little knob that can be chewed on. Though that's NOT what it's for. I'm pretty sure of that.

I think these MAM Training Brush sets would be great baby shower gifts. It's no joke when they say start brushing and cleaning those gums before teeth appear. It helps to get babies used to having their mouths cleaned. It promotes good healthy habits early on.
For those early weeks, these little Oral Care Rabbits are so cute. Soft for wiping tender gums.

Here is more info about MAM from the company -
MAM’s mission is to combine the best in technological innovation, medically sound function and contemporary design to help give babies the best start in life. 

Founded in Vienna, Austria by plastics engineer Peter Rohrig, the family-run company launched the first MAM Pacifier in 1976, forever raising the industry’s standards in design and functionality.  Today, MAM is a global leader in the baby care category, selling approximately 40 million products every year.
Throughout its history, MAM has been committed to designing innovative and stylish products that exceed the expectation of parents and retailers. All MAM products are developed by a team of engineers, medical experts and studio designers to provide baby gear of unmatched quality.  The company takes pride in its commitment to safety; all MAM products are 100% BABY SAFE: BPA-free, PVC-free, lead-free and CPSIA-compliant.

Today, the brand’s product range includes bottles, pacifiers, functional teethers, training cups, and oral care items.  MAM’s award-winning products are sold in 30 countries and over five continents. 

For more information about MAM products, please visit
If you've never visited the MAM site you should!
There are videos posted, parenting information, and  a great line of products.
Here is a great resource about oral care LINK.
This Oral Hygiene From The Start section has printables, what to expectteething time table, and so much more. 

Where to find MAM
Where to buy
Facebook- Check often there are specials and coupons posted!
Twitter @MAMBABY
You Tube
Sign up on for the “MAM Club” to be the first to know on product updates, special promotions and more.

I have this awesome giveaway for you, perfect for a baby gift for your own little one from MAM for a Training Brush Set. 
If you are in the US, have a US address, and are 18 years of age or older, enter below to win. Read the rules HERE, first.
**Please note that I have had to pick new winners often because not all of the requirements have been met for giveaways. If you want the extra entries for liking a Facebook page, following on twitter, blogging, signing up for a newsletter make sure you do follow/sign up/blog etc. These are not required for entry, but if you want extra entries please follow the prompts.

Disclaimer: I was provided a free sample/s of this product to review, and I was under no obligation to review it if I so chose.  Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review or sponsor a product giveaway in return for the free product. All pictures are from the companies site, unless noted.
More giveaways on GPAC found HERE.

MOBILE friendly link is HERE. ( )

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Saturday, June 22, 2013

You're KILLIN' me SMALLS! Give Peas A Chance- S'mores.

Okay, everyone knows how to make S'mores right? It's not rocket science. But one of the things I missed about having a gas stove was making these right on the burner. Same thing for heating tortillas, I love them just thrown on the open burner to warm. So now we have a gas stove again, YAY!. We don't have these often. Pixie doesn't even like them. I like them with just enough black on my marshmallows. I also like them with Sunbutter- pictured below. NOM NOM. I can't only eat one though, they are so rich and sugary that's all it takes for me. AND I don't like good marshmallows, I feel it's such a waste to throw a good marshmallow in a S'more. Then again I don't really like marshmallows, I'm crazy.
What about you? How do you like your S'mores?
Dark chocolate?
Milk chocolate?
Reeses Peanut butter Cups? (Or almond or Sunbutter cups?)
Just heated no scorch marks on your marshmallows?
Blackened marshmallows?
On an open flame?
Made under the broiler in an oven?
Regular, chocolate, cinnamon, honey, or homemade graham crackers?

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Friday, June 21, 2013

Rhythm- #fiveminuteFriday #FMFParty

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. ECC 3:1


Apparently I can't spell it, thank you red squiggly line of spell-correctness.
Rhythm of my heart.
Listen to our hearts Lord, hear our spirit's soar... I can't sing.
The cricket sounding noise on my child's Operation Game has a rhythm I don't want to hear right now.
It's the first day of Summer.
I LOVE it.
My girls are all home.
We're slowly getting into a rhythm.
I like order.
I like consistency.
I like the rhythm of our lives.
I don't always do well with change.
I do better if I have time to prepare for change.
I don't do so well if I have too much time to think about it though.
I like the way things are.
Sometimes change is a wrench.
Sometimes, God just wants to get me out of my comfort zone.
Not always because I'm not serving Him in that comfort zone.
Sometimes it's time to spread my wings.
Rest in Him.
Always changing.
God's still here.
God's still here.
Whatever the rhythm.
God's still here.
Unanswered questions.
God's still here.
He has made everything beautiful it HIS time.

1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back on Lisa-Jo's blog through the button below or this link and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community..
 Five Minute Friday
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Free Friday- Summer is HERE

These gorgeous heirloom tomatoes are proof.
I made The Best Caprese Salad with these, we had them on sliders, just sliced as is... sigh. I love summer tomatoes.
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Set of 3 Personalized Spatulas for 63% Off! #deal

I always love the personalized kitchen tools from Pick Your Plum. I get the different sets each time they have a new one! I usually don't post deals but these are awesome!
Here's the deets on them from the PYP site posted below.
Great wedding gifts, stocking stuffers, hostess, and housewarming gifts!
Now the real question- our name? Or something like "kiss the cook", or... "give peas a chance"
They won't fit. sigh.

Let's Get Personal - Set of 3 Personalized Spatulas for 63% Off!
Are you ready to serve up something fantastic?  Pancakes?  Cookies?  Memories?  That's what we thought.  Because everything you serve up is certainly a memory (even if it's'll still be fun to think about later).  So.  How about doing so with your own personalized spatula?  We know you use a spatula in just about every recipe you throw together, so isn't it about time you get one with your name on it?  We think so.  We know you'll get one for yourself but who else?  How about a wedding gift - you can personalize it with the new last name.  Maybe a bridal shower?  Housewarming party? Birthdays?  Going-away-to-college gifts?  We think so.  And trust us, you'll want to cook up a million different things just to try it out (your family will thank us when they're licking the batter off the spatula).

What'll it be, boss?
  • Cafe Green (Script) - a delicate, cursive-y print to whip up some serious treats - $9.99
  • Cafe Green (Block)- a bold western print for all of those bold western (or other region) flavors - $9.99
  • Saloon Red (Script)- a delicate, cursive-y print to whip up some serious treats - $9.99
  • Saloon Red (Block) - a bold western print for all of those bold western (or other region) flavors - $9.99

The "Juicy" Details:  Each set includes 3 spatulas... 1 small 1 3/8" wide, 1 medium 2 1/4" wide, and 1 large spoon style 2 1/2" wide.  Each spatula is approximately 10 1/2" tall.

There is a maximum of 12 characters (this includes spaces).  Tell us what you'd like your handle to say. (If needed give additional information under "Special Instructions".)  We will print the text exactly as it's received (remember, it is CASE sensitive) so double-triple-infinity check your spelling.

Fine Print:  Spatulas ship for just $3.99 (for up to 14 orders) and only $9.99 for our Canadian friends.  Packages will be on their way on or before July 19, 2013. DUE TO CUSTOMIZATION, please allow up to 4 weeks for delivery - thank you!

ATTENTION LOCAL CUSTOMERS:  If you are planning on picking up your order at the warehouse, watch for our email and we'll let you know when it's ready for you.  Thanks!
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Thursday, June 20, 2013

Give Peas A Chance- Chicken Sliders

I don't cook with a lot of ground chicken. I think it's too dry. I'm not a huge fan of chicken either, but I had been thinking I should try to use ground chicken more. Not a great idea, ground chicken is like ground turkey. Finding some that is just chicken or just turkey is like finding a rare diamond. Packages marked "natural flavorings" added. Erm, no thank you. Sigh. So, find a butcher, grind/process your own, or there are some brands out there that have no flavorings or additives. Of course you don't have to use chicken.
I added onion and apple to the chicken so it wouldn't dry out. We don't have a grill so I broiled these. Whatever way you choose to cook these, watch them so they don't dry out. These can be served on a bun, but I used lettuce. And we love Simple Cabbage Salad, I just pile that on top.

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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Wednesday Words- Psalm 103

Bless the Lord, O my soul;
And all that is within me, bless His holy name!
Bless the Lord, O my And forget not all His benefits:
Who forgives all your iniquities,Who heals all your diseases,
 Who redeems your life from destruction,
Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies,
Who So that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.
Psalm 103:1-5
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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

2013 Bento 144-145 #TakeitTuesday

It's already Tuesday, school is out and I'm still packing lunches. Just not as much. I'm excited for summer, my kids are home! What about you? Are you packing lunches? For school? Work? Kids? I think I'll start packing a lunch for DH again also.

Diva packed this lunch during the last week of school, in her Planetbox

1/2 bagel
Chocolates (Brookside)
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Monday, June 17, 2013

Give Peas A Chance- Chicken Pot Pie

Today's MaNIc MoNDaY is from a post that I did back in October 2007. I don't follow are recipe for this anymore, but it's a family favorite. Sometimes I change the veggies up a bit, sometimes I use grilled chicken, roasted chicken, poached chicken. Sometimes I add different herbs, thyme, sage, oregano, rosemary, etc...
It's one of those meals I plan ahead for. Grilling chicken? Grill extra. Making soup? Throw in chicken breasts to poach. Roasting a bird? Save the bones for stock and some meat for pot pie. So easy, so yummy.
Here's the original post on Give Peas A Chance. Recipe is below also.
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Sunday, June 16, 2013

Badger Balm Sunscreen- #GIVEAWAY

 Badger Balm Sunscreen. I don't even know where to start. There is so much GOOD about this sunscreen, I'm so impressed.  I know it's "just" sunscreen. But it isn't. Because "just" sunscreen is what I used before I had kids. I would pick whatever and use it, regardless of what it had in it. Usually based on cost. Or worse, I would use baby oil to get that little bit of color. Right? Maybe that's just me but if you asked me before I had kids what and EWG rating was. I'd have looked at you funny and said, who cares, it's sunscreen. (By the way, Badger Balm Sunscreens rank 1-2 on the Environmental Working Groups site, that is AWESOME ratings.) I'll list more of why this sunscreen is so awesome as far as specs in a bit. First I want to tell you how it worked for us and why I was (surprisingly) impressed with it.
Why I'm so impressed with Badger Balm Sunscreen/What I like about it
1. Non greasy. They aren't just saying that. It's true. Badger Balm Sunscreen doesn't leave you feeling oily and like a slick greased pig. I don't feel like I'm sticking to the seat of my car or that my clothes are clinging to me because of it.
2. It leaves skin soft, and not all pasty. You know what I mean by that? It doesn't leave this film of white cream on your skin. Not that there is anything wrong with that but, it's just nice not having that.
3. Easy to apply and rub in. Some sunscreens I feel like you have to WORK them in. That's one of the reasons I bought spray on sunscreen. Let's face it, it's easier than sitting a kid down and having to massage and rub lotion in. Not this stuff, sure you spread it around and rub a little to get good coverage. But there's no massaging it in. Easy peasy. The Give Peas A Chance kiddos like to be IN the water as soon as possible.
4. Scent- especially the kids one. It smells like tangerine peels. Real ones, not sickly sweet fake citrus. But it smells like you're peeling the skin of a tangerine and the oils from the peel are releasing fragrance into the air. I mean if they offered this as a lotion scent, I'd buy it. They probably do. I should check.
 5. Hypoallergenic- which means my oldest with eczema can use it with no issues.
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Friday, June 14, 2013

Listen- #FiveMinuteFriday #FMFParty



So many discombobulated, fragments of thoughts come into my head this morning about the word listen.
My kids don't always listen. Why don't my kids listen?
To myself, yelling. You read that right.
Five minutes. Just five minutes of quietly doing what is asked of you.
Listen. To music, to traffic, to sermons, to background noise.
Tune out.
My kids, for five minutes, or when I'm driving and need to.
Tune out myself.
Tune out the music.
Tune out the busyness of background noise.
Tune out myself, my nagging voice of negativity.
Tune out all that is wrong in my life.
Tune out everything but truth.
Listen to that still small voice of God in the corners of my mind. Whispering truth.
Listen to the beating of my heart, "Return." always return to your First Love. A steady rhythm, reminding me. Fast as can be, come running to the throne of Grace. Always. It's there.
Listen to all that the Holy Spirit helps me recall. Have an answer for the hope that lies within you. Be ready in and out of season.
Listen to truth, and only truth.
Truth is love, light, forgiveness, self control, faithfulness, patience...
Listen to love.
Speak in Love.

1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back on Lisa-Jo's blog through the button below or this link and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community..
 Five Minute Friday
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Thursday, June 13, 2013

Frozen Cherries, Icy Sweet Treats

YUM YUM. Nothing fancy, nothing new here. Just a nice frosty bowl of frozen cherries. Such a great summer treat! So simple and so easy, and they last a lot longer than when kept in the refrigerator.
Wash fresh cherries, dry well, freeze on a cookie sheet, transfer to a container or zip top bag to store.
Easy Peasy.

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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Wednesday Words- Lamentations 3:21-24

Lamentations 3:21-24
Yet this I call to mind
    and therefore I have hope:
 Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,
    for his compassions never fail. 
 They are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness. 
 I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion;
    therefore I will wait for him.”
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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

2013 Bento 124-142 #TakeitTuesday

I wanted to invite you all to share your lunches on my Facebook wall, Instagram (see hashtags below), Twitter, and in comments below.
Share your latest lunches- if you have a photo to upload, an Instagram post, a blog post. 
HASHTAGS- for Twitter/Facebook/Instagram/Pinterest  #peasblog #TakeitTuesday
Or come and share you favorite lunch box recipe.
Please make sure you link to all recipes and credit sources. I will delete any recipes that have been cut and pasted. Please leave links only.
We are sliding in to summer, as this is the last week of school. I may still pack lunches for outings but probably not too many, we'll see! What about you do you pack lunches for summer? 
Let's see some lunches-
Multigrain GF chips
Bell Peppers
Brookside Chocolates
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Monday, June 10, 2013

Give Peas A Chance Spring Rolls

It's MaNic MonDay! I try to post old favorites, sometimes I'll update pictures too.
Today I'm reposting with new pictures, Spring Rolls! You can find posts on Give Peas A Chance for Spring Rolls here-
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Friday, June 7, 2013

Five Minute Friday- Fall #FiveMinuteFriday

Pixie 2012

This is my first, and who knows maybe my last :P Five Minute Friday.
Fall. When I first saw the word I thought about crisp air, leaves, leaves all over. Here in this area. ALL over, gorgeous leaves like I have never seen. Maybe once in a while when we drove up to Red River CO. But here? Every year I'm blessed and just in awe of the amazing color, texture, variety of leaves. So many colors God came up with. How He programmed the trees to cut of nourishment to those leaves when the air gets crisp. So that they change, turn color, fall off, this is perfect for the trees. Keeps them healthy, sustains them through the winter. Preserves them at their core, so their roots can keep digging deeper. What about me? When God takes something away, could be for good, could be for a season. Am I able to see past what is missing? What is not mine? To see what IS mine? ALL that is mine? The blessings, the joy, the HOPE in Christ? I pray that I would be able to. But I know I don't always.
Five minutes is up :).

Five Minute Friday
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Bowl Full of Cherries Indeed

You may have noticed there aren't that many cherry recipes on Give Peas A Chance. That's because this is how I like to eat them, as they are meant to be eaten. God made them perfect :)
OK, I like them frozen too, like grapes. But still. It's hard for me to cook with fruit, because I like it as is, for the most part. I mean I do like peach cobbler and such, but prefer fresh fruit. Is that crazy? Same with avocado's, I love them so much as is cooking with them doesn't appeal to me. Though I did have avocado fries the other day, they were yummy. I wouldn't make them at home though.
I'm so glad summer is here, summer veggies, fruits. YUM.
(I have another cherry picture coming up... or 50, you've been warned.)

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Thursday, June 6, 2013

Eating Seasonally Chart

Check out this chart from Emeals, it's perfect to have when planning meals.
Emeals has come out with some great plans including Clean Eating, Paleo, Classic, Slow Cooker, Low Carb and so much more

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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Wednesday Words- Most Important Work

I need this reminder. Every second. But I also need to KNOW it and OWN it.
Pray for me.

“The most important of the Lord's work you will ever do will be the work you do within the walls of your own home.”
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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

2013 Bento 117-123 #takeitTuesday

It's "Take It Tuesday" here on Give Peas A Chance, and while I don't pack Bento's anymore (or rarely do) I still use the label, so that's why the title says Bento. (Disclaimer)
Don't forget to link up, either below or on Facebook! See details below.
School is almost out, I feel like I'm in a lunch rut but oh well.
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Monday, June 3, 2013

Skillet Chocolate Chip Cookie

This is the EASIEST QUICKEST cookie ever. It's so very easy. It's a little crisp on the edges but chewy on the inside. I love that it makes one skillet, that's it. Not dozens and dozens. I don't mind freezing dough for later, but then the temptation is there to bake them up in my little toaster oven. Too much, too tempting. Sure the skillet is one big ol' cookie but it's gone faster than say 5 dozen cookies. Another thing about this is all I have to wash is a spatula and the skillet. I admit that fact alone pretty much promoted it to best cookie ever status like real quick.
Since this is a MAniC MoNdAy post, you can find the original post HERE on Give Peas A Chance. I also cut and pasted the recipe below.
You do need to use a scale, but this is perfect for children learning weights :)

Skillet Chocolate Chip Cookie
350 degrees 13-18 minutes
1 stick/8 tablespoons unsalted butter
3-3/4 ounces (108 grams) granulated sugar
3-3/4 ounces (108 grams) brown sugar
6-1/2 ounces (184 grams) All purpose flour
1 egg
1 tablespoon vanilla, I didn't weigh this. Just pour it in.
pinch kosher salt
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
6 ounces (170 grams) chocolate, chopped

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place a well seasoned 11 inch cast iron skillet on the stove over medium high heat, add cold butter. Let the butter melt, moving it around to coat the entire skillet and sides. Turn the heat off. Let the butter cool for a bit, so the egg doesn't scramble when you add it.
Add the sugars and vanilla to the butter. Mix well until butter is incorporated. Mix in the egg.
Stir in the flour, soda and salt. Make sure you scrape the sides and bottom of the skillet so there is not dry flour there. Stir in chocolate.
Place in the oven for 15-20 minutes until the edge are golden brown.

Almond extract, dried cherries, pistachios, white chocolate chips.
Orange zest, dark chocolate pieces.
Macadamia nuts, white chocolate chips.
Add chopped pecans, walnuts, or other nuts to the original.
Add 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder for a puffier/cake like cookie

I finally took some measurements of this- rough measurements, not exact
it's about
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1 1/4 cup of flour

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Saturday, June 1, 2013

GPAC Blueberry Tiramisu

I took this picture at least one year ago, maybe longer? It's taken me this long to sit down and finish this post. It's quite silly, I have several posts like this. A list of ingredients so I don't forget, with measurements. Sometimes pictures of notecards with scribbles. Ingredients. Measurements. Notes. A folder full of edited pictures that need homes on here. Drafts that need tweaking before publishing. I'm always behind, but this is a hobby. This is fun, so I don't get too stressed. Book? What book?
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