Friday, May 31, 2013

Free Friday- Ear Muffs Rock.

There's a heatwave right now. Blah. So we've made popsicles. I did a review of the Zoku here, I did check the site and still no one has designed a cover for this thing yet. Oh well.  You can find other popsicle recipes on Give Peas A Chance by searching, or I posted some below.
Yes, Pixie is wearing ear muffs. No, it's not cold, it's 90 degrees. She just likes to wear ear muffs.
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Thursday, May 30, 2013

Chicken... Gizzards

You have to admit, they are Whole30/Paleo/Primal friendly, and if you're eating "tip to tail" you're bound to come a cross a chicken gizzard right? One of my favorite places to get Chicken Livers and Gizzards is Lamberts. So not paleo friendly (not that we eat totally paleo) but so good. Home of the throwed rolls, and the yummiest breaded and fried livers and gizzards. YUM.
These gizzards are not breaded at all. If you take care to trim the gizzards very well, you can get rid of all that makes them so tough. I just pan fried them like a stir fry in home rendered lard. Salt, pepper, and a side of Simple Cabbage Salad. Unfortunately or maybe fortunately just 2-3 of us here will eat gizzards.More for me!
Basically, well trimmed gizzards. Get all the tough silvery "skin" off of them. Rinse. Pat dry. Pan fry in a little hot oil/lard. Like a stir fry, not a ton of lard. Salt and pepper to taste.
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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Wednesday Words- Proverbs 16:24

Kind words are like honey-
sweet to the soul and healthy for your body.
Proverbs 16:24

Pixie says this when she hears kind words, but what's really cute is when someone isn't being kind. Then she says, "that's not kind, that's rottenness to the bones." Isn't it just the truth though?

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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

2013 Bento 111-116 #takeitTuesday

It's "Take It Tuesday" here on Give Peas A Chance, and while I don't pack Bento's anymore (or rarely do) I still use the label, so that's why the title says Bento.
I would love for you all to come link up your lunches, in the form of photo upload, links to blogs, links to flickr/photobucket, Instagram etc.
Please credit all photo sources and link back to sources. I will try to pin recipes with links to this great Pinterest board :) If you link up a lunch post/bento post, I will probably make a new just lunches board.
Join us on Facebook and link up.

(UPDATE I wanted to invite you all to share your lunches on my Facebook wall, Instagram (see hashtags below), Twitter, and in comments below.
Share your latest lunches- if you have a photo to upload, an Instagram post, a blog post. 
HASHTAGS- for Twitter/Facebook/Instagram/Pinterest  #peasblog #TakeitTuesday
Or come and share you favorite lunch box recipe.
Please make sure you link to all recipes and credit sources. I will delete any recipes that have been cut and pasted. Please leave links only.)

We've been so busy and my schedule is SO very off. I spent a few late nights up with DH watching a new show and my whole schedule is off. EEK.
I know I'm always saying it but I am sooo sorry for these pictures, I realize they are horrible but, I'm feeding the kids!
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Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day

Remembering those who gave all. Praying for those who mourn. Thanking them for their sacrifice and service.
Bittersweet, I'm so thankful for my freedom. SO thankful. But I know it comes at a great price, still today. Everyday.

Thanking God for his goodness, asking for his continued faithfulness and protection.
And for the ultimate sacrifice- 
Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.
John 15:13

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Saturday, May 25, 2013

Asian Sesame Chicken Salad

One of my favorite salads is this Asian Sesame Chicken salad. The dressing has a little tang, some kick from the jalapenos. Not a lot, but you can leave the Jalapenos out if you like. The dressing can be made ahead of time, leave the cilantro out and toss it in the salad at the last minute.
Since there's no egg or mayonnaise, this salad is great for picnics, I hope you'll try it.
I always make extra wonton strips because everyone keeps eating them off the plate!
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Friday, May 24, 2013

Free Friday- Mother's Day Blessings

OK, this is a total re post because I was just so shocked, excited, and well, thankful, and excited. I entered my book below in NerdWallet's Mother's Day Your Way Contest, AND I won for Best Overall Entry. Isn't that crazy? I mean, of course I think it's the BEST gift ever. I was just so surprised.
My girls did update my book. Sweet drawings, and little notes. I had a wonderful Mother's Day. 
The girls (and DH) made me breakfast in bed. I heard my middle girl, sweet Piglet, up early that morning in the schoolroom. She was crafting something. I wasn't sure what. But on the weekends she's usually up, both my older girls. My oldest reading, my middle girl crafting, sometimes reading. When I got up they brought me breakfast. I walked out of the room and Piglet had laid out a baby blanket in front of my door. She said it was my red carpet. So sweet.
DH had taken the girls out to buy cards for me. Piglet laid them all out on the couch. She set them up, with stuffed animals, little trinkets. She's my gift giver. So very thoughtful and kind. We got to go to church and we just spend time together. Perfection.
I'm just so thankful and blessed, such perfect timing.

Be sure to check out all the wonderful entries and winners on NerdWallet's blog.
Back to my book, it's not too late to start one for Mother's Day or Father's Day. I think a Christmas or Thanksgiving tradition would be great. The whole family could draw or write on a page each year.

 Anyway, here's my post-
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Engraved Serviceware today $14.99

Today on Pick Your Plum, you know how I feel about Pick Your Plum here on Give Peas A Chance right? This is one of my FAVORITE items from them. The deal goes live at 0900 EST. If I have guessed correctly what it is, you should go and pick them QUICK so they don't run out on you! Last time they were $20.
 I'd love if you SHARED/LIKED/PINNED this post and check them out in about 15 minutes!!

If you pin this post leave me a link to your pin on Pinterest :)  
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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Roasted Tomato Basil Cod

A simple, yummy meal. Fragrant from the fresh basil, and the mango salsa gives texture and more flavor. I really need to get more of my fish recipes typed out and posted on here. Sigh.
The Cod is roasted with a pat of my homemade ghee and basil that I keep in my freezer. I just make the compound, and freeze it in an ice cube tray or in rolls. I also topped the Cod with cherry tomatoes.
Once roasted, the Cod is topped with Mango Salsa.
The Mango Salsa has mango, cucumber, cilantro, red bell pepper, garlic, salt, jalapeno, lime juice, and onion.
 Easy Peasy.
Looking for more Whole 30 here on Give Peas A Chance?
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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wednesday Words- Caring And Sharing

I will be pinning and/or sharing some of your links. Have a great day!
Share your recipes and tips for sharing a meal with a family that needs a pick me up and new moms.
Read posting guidelines HERE.
Join me over on Facebook
Check out all of the great dishes being linked up on Facebook
Here they are on Pinterest

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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Prayers For Oklahoma

I wanted to just let you all know that I'm cancelling this weeks Take It Tuesday.
Please keep Oklahoma and all those affected, all those hurting in your prayers.
Check with your local Red Cross if you are making a donation, or check Samaritan's Purse to make a donation and see where you can help. 

Psalm 34:18
The Lord is close to the brokenhearted
    and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

Dear Jesus. So much on my heart, it's heavy. Please draw those that are hurting close to you. Please give strength and wisdom to those who need you so badly right now.
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Monday, May 20, 2013

2013 Bento 99-110 #takeitTuesday

It's "Take It Tuesday" here on Give Peas A Chance, and while I don't pack Bento's anymore (or rarely do) I still use the label, so that's why the title says Bento.
 I also have an invite for you all! Scroll on down...

In the lunches above
Fruit Snacks (not pictured)

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GPAC Best Caprese Salad

I LOVE Caprese salads. SO for this "Manic Monday" post, I'm re sharing this salad. And the whole post really.
I can't wait for summer and beautiful, juicy, summer tomatoes. Do you like Caprese salads?
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Saturday, May 18, 2013

Baked Pancakes

I saw this recipe on Pinterest, the original post is on the Big Red Kitchen blog. I was skeptical that these would taste good, then my family finished off the whole pan. Surprisingly these weren't heavy and dense. They were pretty fluffy. The recipe is easily adapted and you can add fruit, flavors, and more. I would make these again, especially for a crowd.
There are several pancake recipes on Give Peas A Chance, but here are some of them. If you search pancakes, more posts will come up.
Buttermilk Pancakes
Coconut Cream Pancakes
Yogurt Banana Pancakes

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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

2013 Bento 92-98

It's "Take It Tuesday" here on Give Peas A Chance, and while I don't pack Bento's anymore I still use the label, so that's why the title says Bento.

In the Planetbox (To purchase a Planetbox, click here)
Chipotle Honey Chicken
Bell Peppers
Sunflower Seeds
Brookside Acai Blueberry Chocolates

The rest was for Diva
Oatmeal with cinnamon, honey, butter, and cream
Red Bell Peppers
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Monday, May 13, 2013

Manic Monday- Pineapple Pork Ribs

I haven't made these Pineapple Pork ribs in a while! I think I'll put them on the menu!
You can find the simple recipe HERE, they are an oldie but goodie here on Give Peas A Chance.
Have a fantastic Manic Monday!
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Saturday, May 11, 2013

Popovers with Strawberry Honey Butter

Yummy. Really yummy. Strawberries are coming in season too, so you must try these! Perhaps tomorrow for Mother's Day?
I based this popover recipe on the Dutch Baby we like so much. I used to make these in a muffin tin, same with my Yorkshire Pudding. Then I went to Zulily one day and Chicago Metallic was on there, so I got this little pan. But if you don't have a pan just use a muffin tin.
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Thursday, May 9, 2013

Whole Food, Clean Eating, Give Peas A Chance


There's no recipe in this blogpost. But I thought I would share a Pinterest board with you. It's a board where I've posted some farms in the Washington DC, Maryland, and Virginia areas. 
These farms specialize in grass fed beef/meats, organically grown vegetables, and milk products that are hormone free. Food that is pesticide free, herbicide free, hormone free. Whole foods that are "clean", non GMO also.
If you know of any farms I've missed please let me know, AND if you have resources for your area leave me a note in the comments section and we can all find resources. If you have a Pinterest account, start a board and share the resources so that we can support local farmers that are growing and raising our food responsibly!
I read through most of these sites to check, but you'll have to do your own research before you purchase.
Here's a link to my Pinterest board HERE.
Some farms and resources I've pinned so far but check the board for all of them!
West Wind Farm (Mountain grazed beef and more)
Really Raw Honey (Baltimore MD) I didn't pin this because the website wouldn't let me.

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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Free Friday- Best Mother's Day Gift Ever

The new "Little Black Book".
**Another update!! I won the NerdWallet Contest for Best Overall entry! I was so surprised! Go check out the other amazing entries. Check out the write up Nerd Wallet.
**It's not Friday, but I just didn't want to wait to post this, just in case you want to run out and get a book of your own ;) **
It's almost Mother's day. I wanted to share with you all the best gift ever. See that black book up there? It's a little worn looking. But, that's it. The best gift ever I mean. I know it doesn't look like much, but didn't your mother teach you not to judge a book by it's cover? ;)
Let me tell you about this book. About how a black,  9x13 inch (ish), less than $15, blank book could be the best gift ever. I haven't had this book for long, since about 2011. But every holiday, birthday, or anytime my girls want to get me a gift they use this book. They draw pictures, write letters or poetry for me. They fill the blank pages with their artwork and thoughts. I get to see their writing improve, their pictures get more detail.  I get to look back and see what they are "into" at the moment. Princess flying unicorns, snakes, peacocks, and more. On some pages the girls have just traced their hands. At the beginning  my oldest girl had to help my youngest by writing her name and date for her. Now my youngest can write her own name. *sniff*
I love my book. It's very special to me. When it's full, I'll add another. It's perfect, there's no wondering what to get mom, there's no need to spend money on trinkets. There's no cards and papers scattered all over the place.
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Wednesday Words- Proverbs 31

Her children arise and call her blessed;
    her husband also, and he praises her: “Many women do noble things,
    but you surpass them all.” 
 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
    but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. 
 Honor her for all that her hands have done,
    and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.
Proverbs 31:28-31

I just made this, and haven't done anything with it. Any ideas? Also let me know if you want a copy without my link on it.
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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

2013 Bento 84-91

I am so sorry for all the pictures in this post. Taken in a rush, sometimes at night with nothing but my yucky dining room lights. Sigh.
Happy Take It Tuesday!
These are in our Planetboxes, although Piglet asked me last week if I'd pack her a "real" bento. So maybe I can muster up some energy for that.
Roasted Chicken
Bell Peppers
Sunsweet Prunes
Rice Pudding (with Cinnamon and Cardamom)


Pixie and I shared the Planetbox it has- I just packed it because we tend to graze.
Simple Cabbage Salad
Watermelon - that's alll her because I don't really like watermelon

Diva and Piglet
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Monday, May 6, 2013

Manic Monday- Super Sugga Cookies

I know I just posted these on May (the) Fourth (be with you). BUT here are more pictures, and the link to the only Sugga Sugga Cookie recipe I use here on Give Peas A Chance.
Have a wonderful MaNic MonDaY!!
Find more "ManIc MoNdaY" posts here.
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Saturday, May 4, 2013

May The Fourth Be With You... (Star Wars Nerdiness)

ANNNND I didn't even get a post up for today. I had meant to but I never got around to it so here is a quick post before "soccer Saturday" starts around here. It's May 4th, I had been thinking about it since April! Yes. I am a nerd. Yes I do have a Star Wars shirt on right now.
Anyway, thank goodness for late games this weekend.
Above is a Sugga Sugga cookie, as are the ones below. BEST Sugar Cookie Recipe EVER. I don't use any other recipe here on Give Peas A Chance.

Here are a couple of recent lunches, you can find more here.
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Grass Jelly Drink

I grew up drinking this. My mom would make it for us as a treat. So refreshing and cooling. The beautiful dark brown/black cubes of jelly is Grass Jelly. It doesn't taste like grass, if it does at all it's mild. Not sweet, not salty. It's cooling. Just slightly bitter, not much. Thicker than Jello, but a little less dense than say Jello Jigglers. You'll often see it being served in Boba tea houses along with beans, jack fruit, Boba/tapioca pearls.
Growing up my mom mixed this with a light simple syrup, sometimes steeped with Pandan leaves and lots of crushed ice. Often she would add a splash of soy milk. Sometimes we'd have it with coconut milk, and it's cream, and a simple syrup. Now, I drink it with almond milk and a simple syrup. Sometimes coconut milk, simple syrup, basil seed, and pandan tapioca.
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Friday, May 3, 2013

Free Friday- Some Words About Kids

I get nervous when I don't hear my kids fighting. If they aren't fighting they are quietly planning an uprising.
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Thursday, May 2, 2013

Greek Chicken Kabobs With Greek Seasoning Blend

These were a hit with the whole family. I thought I had made too much but there wasn't any leftover! The Greek Seasoning blend is easy to make, I had everything on hand. If you don't have fried lemon zest/peel, just omit and when you're marinating add fresh lemon zest. 
Serve this with some Tzatziki sauce if you like, and pita bread.
The seasoning is versatile. Use it for other meats, or in a cucumber, yogurt salad dressing, in
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