Monday, April 13, 2020

Dalgona Coffee

 Dalgona coffee seems to be the latest trending recipe. It's so easy with minimal ingredients that we decided to try it. Minimal ingredients is a must while we shelter in place due to this COVID-19 pandemic.
I made the first glass according to what I've seen online. Equal parts water, cane sugar, instant/crystallized coffee. For us this was 2 teaspoons of each.  I don't like my coffee strong, the recipes I've seen call for a tablespoon of each ingredient. This whipped up fast and formed pretty soft peaks. It was really sweet though.

My second glass I used the coffee, water, and sweetened condensed milk. This got thicker during whipping but it didn't really whip up well.  It tasted better and was less sweet.
We had both batches with half and half, and topped them with cinnamon and cayenne. So yum.

Dalgona coffee

2 teaspoons instant coffee or expresso
2 teaspoons water
2 teaspoons sugar
Milk or half and half

Cinnamon, ground 
Cayenne, ground 
Cocoa powder
  1. Stir coffee and water together to dissolve.
  2. Add sugar.
  3. Mix with an electric hand mixer. Until soft peaks form.
  4. Pour 8-10 ounces of half and half into glass with ice.
  5. Top with whipped coffee.
  6. Sprinkle with optional ingredients.

Dalgona coffee (Sweetened Condensed Milk)

1 teaspoon water
2 teaspoons instant coffee or expresso
3 teaspoons sweetened condensed milk
Milk or half and half

Cinnamon, ground 
Cayenne, ground 
Cocoa powder
  1. Stir coffee and water together to dissolve.
  2. Add sweetened condensed milk.
  3. Mix with an electric hand mixer. Until soft peaks form or thickened.
  4. Pour 8-10 ounces of half and half into glass with ice.
  5. Top with whipped coffee.
  6. Sprinkle with optional ingredients.
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