Friday, June 7, 2024

Peasreads: The Spellshop

 My thoughts: 

The Spellshop is such an enchanting, funny, entertaining read. I loved it! It is categorized as romantasy but it's so much more. I didn't feel like romance was the main theme. Which was refreshing.

This story is about loss, belonging, found family, love, friendship, and the power of community. Set in a world where magic is outlawed to everyone but the sorcerers appointed by the empower. There is a revolution to take back knowledge. MC Keila a librarian and keeper of Spellbooks flees the capitol city as revolutionaries burn the library down with as many books as she can save. Afraid of what might happen if she's found with the books Keila hides them in her childhood cottage. Her plan is to hold on to them until she can return to the city. In the meantime, she plans to keep her head down and speak to as few people as possible. Her hometown however is not as she remembered it. It is run down, the weather is completely unpredictable and dangerous due to magic being misused in the capital. Keila wants to help the town, but in doing so she may risk the discovery of the books.

Keila is likeable, relatable, and resourceful. She has social anxiety and the author Sarah Beth Durst writes about this candidly and respectfully. Caz is Keila's best friend. He's also a spider plant. What character he has though! He is feisty and funny. I loved this duo. 

This is a standalone book, but I would love to go back to this magical place! 

This book is a clean read. There is some kissing.  There is mention of one of the MC family that was abusive, nothing graphic at all.  If you liked cottage core, found family, friendship, and magic this book is a great read.



A gorgeous hardcover edition featuring lavender sprayed edges! The Spellshop is Sarah Beth Durst’s romantasy debut–a lush cottagecore tale full of stolen spellbooks, unexpected friendships, sweet...

A gorgeous hardcover edition featuring lavender sprayed edges! The Spellshop is Sarah Beth Durst’s romantasy debut–a lush cottagecore tale full of stolen spellbooks, unexpected friendships, sweet jams, and even sweeter love.

Kiela has always had trouble dealing with people, and as librarian at the Great Library of Alyssium, she hasn’t had to.

She and her assistant, Caz, a sentient spider plant, have spent most of the last eleven years sequestered among the empire’s precious spellbooks, protecting the magic for the city’s elite. But a revolution is brewing and when the library goes up in flames, she and Caz steal whatever books they can and flee to the faraway island where she grew up. She’s hoping to lay low and figure out a way to survive before the revolution comes looking for her. To her dismay, in addition to a nosy—and very handsome—neighbor, she finds the town in disarray.

The empire with its magic spellbooks has slowly been draining power from the island, something that Kiela is indirectly responsible for, and now she’s determined to find a way to make things right. Opening up a spell shop comes with its own risks—the consequence of sharing magic with commoners is death. And as Kiela comes to make a place for herself among the quirky townspeople, she realizes that in order to make a life for herself, she must break down the walls she has kept so high.

Find more book reviews here under Peasreads.
Amazon reviews Katereviews.

I received this book from NetGalley and Macmillan/Bramble publishers. I was under no obligation to post a review. All opinions are my own. I am disclosing this per the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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