Monday, December 2, 2013

Fajita's and Refried Black Beans

I love making my own seasonings at home, Taco, dry Ranch, curry powders, Fajita seasonings and more. I'm able to adjust the spices to our liking without fillers and things we don't want to eat! I love fajitas with lots of veggies. I prefer steak, as do most of the girls, and DH likes chicken. Shrimp is always yummy. 
I use this fajita seasoning on chicken before I grill it, on fish before I put it under the broiler, in a soup or stew, roasted potatoes are good also. I like fajitas served in lettuce, flour and corn tortillas are yummy also. I just don't miss them as much as I thought I would with fajitas. I still like them other times though! YUM. 
DH and the girls like beans, mostly black beans. I am not a bean fan. I leave it out of most foods, and serve some on the side when I cook. Like this Frito Pie here this works well for everyone. I do like refried beans though, I'm certain it's because I refry them with bacon fat. Who doesn't like that? These beans are a great side dish, perfect with rice, and on a Tostada that I'll share next week. Until then let's make beans.

Below are links to both Fajita and Taco seasoning.
Taco Seasoning

IF you have a pressure cooker here's a method to cook dry beans in a fraction of the time.

These black beans are wonderful topped with a fried egg and leftover fajitas for breakfast.

Give Peas A Chance Refried Black Beans

3 (ish) cups of black beans, cooked (if canned, drained and rinsed)
1 cup chicken stock, veggie stock or water are ok also
1 1/2 tablespoons bacon grease, ghee, or olive oil
1 small garlic clove minced, or grated with a microplane
1/2 - 1 teaspoon cumin

In a pot heat the bacon grease until melted, add the garlic clove. Let this cook until fragrant. Add the black beans and stock. Stir. Bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat and simmer the beans uncovered until half the water is absorbed. Using a wooden spoon or spatula, mash the beans on the side of the pot until you get the consistency you like. Some people don't like them mashed at all, other people like them really smooth. I like them in between.  Season to taste with cumin, salt, pepper.

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