Saturday, November 30, 2013

Wandering Wisemen, Elf on the Shelf, and A Christmas Angel- again

Last year we welcomed a Christmas Angel and an Elf into our home. It was crazy mad fun. If you were here last year you know how I struggled with the idea of an Elf  that "watches over naughty children" and "reports" back to Santa. So I tried to brainstorm some ideas that we could do for our children. (By the way, doing nothing to this effect is perfectly fine too). You can find my brainstorming post HERE. Learn about those Wandering Wisemen and more. When we finally decided to do the whole Elf and Angel thing I wrote a letter, explaining it all to the girls. Explaining how gifts were given out of love, not for good behavior. That Jesus is the ULTIMATE gift. To read the letter you can click HERE, it's a printable file also. I hope that works.
I also made scripture cards instructions on them for an activity for the day. Blessing someone with fruit, coloring fun papers, giving a gift. It was so fun, the girls looked forward to finding Joy and Angel every morning. 
Cards with Scriptures can be found HERE. Just click, print, and you're ready to go. It's not fancy, it's a simple word document. 
Here are some pictures from last year-
On the card
Happy Birthday Jesus! Matthew 1:21

She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.”
 Bake a cake/cupcakes or make a card for Jesus, thank Him for His gift! Share your goodies!
No elf antics today. I didn't have a card printed out. I just put Joy and Angel on our sideboard with a reminder to pray for others. The glitter says BAND- which stands for Bear Another's Name Daily. 

I have a recipe post scheduled tomorrow I promise! Today Joy and Angel were found fishing. I still can't get over my girls and their reactions when they find these two in the morning. It's so cute!
Today the card reads-
Matthew 4:19
“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” At once they left their nets and followed him.
Pray for someone who doesn’t know Jesus. Pray that God would bless them and draw them near to him.
Do you have any Christmas traditions? Are you blogging about them? I'd love to see! No blog?  Leave a comment!
More Christmas Angel/Elf on the Shelf posts HERE.
More pictures HERE.


  1. Thank you so much for posting your scriptures and ideas. Are you planking on doing the same this year? I would love to add your new ideas to my collection

    1. Hi Kelly! I'll probably just do about 10 days this year, I will post if I do for sure!

  2. Check out our facebook page that is all about this very thing! My mom made 4 angel dolls for myself and 3 friends to use this season, and we are posting our daily angel activities.


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