Saturday, September 3, 2011

Smurfday Dinner

Dinner table (I blurred out Pixie's name, on the banner across the cupcakes and on the protest signs that the Smurfs are holding.)
I have a TON of pictures from the last two days of Smurf-mania around here. It's been so fun! I made everything- as far as signs, banners, labels, food other than candy.
We were so blessed and surprised when a box of 45 Smurfs arrived at the house from my brother. That's when I decided it would be fun to do this "Smurfday" dinner for Pixie. Just a family dinner.
On Thursday evening we decided, why not invite some children over Saturday for cake and ice cream. Nothing like last minute. So on Friday morning I decided I wanted to do a mini candy buffet. I picked up some Pixi sticks, Nerds, Lemon heads and pretzels. 
I spent very little money and made most everything myself. All banners and labels were made with labels and scrap booking items I already had on hand, or I printed them out. I made the food, and had all the service ware. Except the milk glasses. We're talking birthday on the cheap here, you can spend a lot of money and do some AMAZING tables, I've seen them. But I couldn't do that, even if I could hire someone I wouldn't have. This was too fun, I might have had other elements on the table- maybe. I pulled out all my pedestals, containers and drink dispenser. So much fun.
I'll break the Smurfday posts up. This post is the dinner menu.
Dinner Menu
I printed descriptions on labels, that's in parenthesis.
Grilled turkey and cheese sandwiches cut into strips (Handy Smurf's Toadstool Depot 2x4's)
Jalapeno poppers (Gutsy Smurf's "Can you handle the heat poppers")
Carrots, broccoli, tomatoes, sprouts, radishes and sip (Gardener Smurfs Toadstool Garden)
Meatballs and Chili garlic dipping sauce (Hefty's dumb bells)
Milk (Smurfberry juice- only I spaced making it blueberry milk)
Cupcakes with marshmallow fondant toadstools (Baker Smurf was on the label, I forgot what it was)
(Click on pictures to enlarge them.)
 I made the dumb bells with meatballs and a toothpick. Pixie thought they were so fun.

 We ended up using straws for the milk. The sprinkles were SO sweet. Diva rimmed the glasses for me with water and sprinkles. These glasses are the perfect size for the girls and they are stack-able. I bought 6 of them for $1.49. Total, not each.

 Jalapeno poppers. Piglet's favorite Smurf is Gutsy.

 How cute are these radishes? I saw these on Pinterest, here is the original blog link.

 Pixie wanted a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. Funny thing is, I didn't think she really knew what kind of cake she liked. But each time I asked her, that was her answer. She didn't even eat her cupcake. Just the mushroom/toadstool on top. She did that with her dinner cupcake and the cupcake I gave her for the party. 
How cute are the little toadstools? I'll put up a separate post on them later.

Candy display- from which the girls got one York candy drop after dinner.
Twix wild berry cereal (Greedy Smurf "I love SMURFBERRIES! NOM NOM)
Lemonheads (Grouchy Smurf's Sourpuss drops)
Nerds (Brainy Smurf's Nerds)
York peppermint drops- no sign, just Greedy Smurf standing in them.
Toffee strands- (I grabbed these at the last minute so I slapped on the only unused label I had left which said "Smurfette's Sweet Shoppe". Had I thought more about it they look like strands of golden hair.)
Pixi sticks (Papa Smurf's Smurf Powder)
Fireballs (Gutsy Smurf)
I have so many ideas that came after to me after, but more on that later. I'll add more pictures later.

For more Smurfday posts on GPAC click below

*check out more Smurfday posts by searching Smurf Party, I'll be adding more posts as I go.
Catch My Party


  1. Aww Happy Birthday again to the sweet girlie!! I love it all! And she looks like she had a blast! I still think you need to send me some fondant toadstools :-P

  2. LOL I'll post the recipe soon though!! <3


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