Monday, May 5, 2014

Give Peas A Chance - Matzo Ball Soup

Happy Manic Monday!!! One of my favorite soups is Matzo Ball soup. My sweet friend, who's birthday is coming up shortly taught this way not Jewish girl how to make this. Every time I make this it reminds me of my bestie. I love how food is not just nourishment, it's also memories, relationships built, relationships nurtured. I understand the eat to live, live to eat thing. I do. But I also understand that food is so much more than that, and can be so much more than that in a healthy way.
Do you have certain foods that remind you of a loved one? Have you ever had Matzo Ball soup? Do you like it with just the Matzo Balls, or do you like chicken and vegetables in it also?
If you've never had it, try the recipes below.
Matzo Ball Soup links
Updated Matzo Ball recipe!!
Turkey Matzo Ball Soup

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