Monday, November 4, 2013

Coconut Forbidden Rice with Mango

Welcome to Manic Monday! Today I'm updating/reposting Coconut Sweet Rice with Mango. Instead of Khao Neow/Sticky Rice I used Black rice or Forbidden rice. We all really like Forbidden rice. It's a shame it's so much more expensive than Jasmine rice, this Forbidden rice is a short grain rice. I made this in the rice cooker, I didn't steam it in the Sticky Rice basket because it's not a glutenous rice (the kind I have).
My family likes both the Forbidden and sticky rice. Enjoy this very simple recipe. I'm sure different people have different ways of making this dish, but this is how my mom makes it and this is how I make it.

Give Peas A Chance Coconut Sweet Rice And Mango

About three cups of cooked Khao Neow, or Forbidden Rice
1 can unsweetened coconut milk (15 ounces)
3-4 tablespoons of light brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
ripe mango peeled and sliced
lime zest- optional

Use hot, freshly prepared rice.
Shake the can of coconut milk well.
In a bowl mix the coconut milk, salt and sugar.
Stir it up.
Pour over the hot rice and stir. Reserve a little bit of coconut milk for garnish.
Let the rice sit to soak up some coconut milk. I usually add more if the rice is dry and it looks like it can soak up more. (This is why I always have two cans of coconut milk just in case)
To serve-
Place rice on a plate or in a bowl.
Top with sliced mango.
Lime zest.
Drizzle with coconut milk mixture. Serve warm.

Use coconut milk, not water or juice. 
The coconut milk mixture CAN and is traditionally heated so the sugar dissolves but I use hot rice and it's never been grainy. If this is a concern heat this in a pot over a low heat until the sugar is dissolved. Don't let it boil though.

Thanks for reading Give Peas A Chance!
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  1. I have never heard of this kind of rice, but I would love to try it!

  2. Thank you for this recipe! Will have to try it the next time I make this lovely dessert. I just ate some again, and the texture actually taste better now. I didn't give it too much time to soak the coconut mixture, plated and eat right away lol. Thanks again :)

    -Thuy (A Blog of Salt)


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