Saturday, November 29, 2008

Spreading crepe batter with a ladle

I know what you're thinking, crepes again? How many times do you all eat crepes?? In my defense I think I have only posted one Crepe post. Besides here, I mean. Anyway, I make them about twice a month, at least. They are so easy and so good. It's win/win. I am not going to post a recipe or anything this time just a little trick I use when I don't want to pull out my crepe batter spreader. I think these pictures are pretty self explanatory but here you go.
 Crepe recipes on GPAC
Cinnamon Crepes with Strawberries (for Pixie/baby/toddler recipe)
Crepe batter (Nutella, Banana, and Raspberry Crepes)

Pour/Ladle some batter onto your pan.

With the back of the ladle in a circular pattern spread out the batter moving from the inside out. It helps to tilt the pan at the same time, but you can't do that if you are taking pictures too.So easy! You get nice thin crepes each time.

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