Sunday, January 15, 2017

Fortune Cookies, Not a Chinese New Year Tradition

Can you believe that Chinese New Year falls on January 28th this year? Earlier and earlier every year! I have very fond memories of Chinese New Year from my childhood. The day, the foods, the traditions are special to me. But most memorable is my mom's part in it. She would clean the house and cook an amazing spread. Family would come visit. She would often take us out of school, if not pick us up early.

Mom would make whole chicken, whole steamed fish, bao, noodles, rice. There would be coconut candy, sesame candies, almond cookies, fresh fruit, tea... there was NEVER any fortune cookies. I can't think of one year where there was fortune cookies. It just isn't really a Chinese thing. Still I made them last year. They are easy to make, and taste so much better than the kind you get after a meal at a restaurant. You can find the recipe HERE.

Since it's just our immediate family I spread out the New Year's celebration over the week. I made Double Pan Fried noodles one day, fish another, dumplings the next, and so on. This works well for us. There's not a ton of food and leftovers, just enough for the night.

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