Monday, January 18, 2016

2016 School Lunches 22-30

School lunches that had not been blogged yet! OOPS, but here they are!

Lunches 22-24
Simple version of a lunchable in our Planetbox and Yumbox lunches, find links for these below.

Lunches 25-27 
are in Planetbox Rovers
Sweet peppers
Yogurt to dip

Lunches 28-30 
are also packed in Planetbox boxes
Hard boiled eggs
Easy Stuffed Peppers
Ikea cookies

Most lunches on Give Peas A Chance are packed in Planetboxes
and Yumboxes, found HERE.
CUPPOW info found HERE.
I want to invite you all to share your lunches on my Facebook wall, Instagram (see hashtags below), Twitter, and in comments below.
Share your latest lunches- if you have a photo to upload, an Instagram post, a blog post. 
HASHTAGS- for Twitter/Facebook/Instagram/Pinterest #peasblog #TakeitTuesday
Or come and share you favorite lunch box recipe.
Please make sure you link to all recipes and credit sources. I will delete any recipes that have been cut and pasted. Please leave links only.
Thanks for reading Give Peas A Chance!
Find me on
 FacebookTwitter (@peasblog), Instagram (@peasknees), Google +

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