Monday, October 21, 2013

Give Peas A Chance- Taco Soup

 Taco Soup, this one pictured above is regular taco soup with corn and black beans which is pretty standard. I have a Paleo Taco Soup that I keep saying I'm going to blog, no grains, nothing processed, I just am so backlogged. BLAH. I'll post a picture of it below (if I can find it), I even won first prize for it. It was a small gathering of peeps, but don't rain on my parade alright?
I don't top taco soup with cheese anymore (for myself- the family still likes cheese) I top mine with this Simple Cabbage Salad. I also don't add chips, or beans usually. I'm not a fan of beans, I'll use them once every ... few months maybe? My tolerance for them comes in waves. :) 
Here is the original post on Give Peas A Chance for Taco Soup. Omit the Ranch dressing and add your own spices and herbs to taste.

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