Thursday, October 31, 2013

2013 Bento 321-329 Take It Tuesday

I didn't have a Take It Tuesday post up last time because I had a virus and DH had to fix my laptop. Anyway. Click the images to make them bigger :)

Turkey sandwiches (Pixie had her sandwich disassembled she doesn't like it together)
Strawberry Pudding type of thing :)

"Eye love you" lunches
Mini bagel pizza eyes
Cheese sign
Kiwi eyes
Mini pepperoni eyes
Black bean pupils
Mini donut eyes with a chocolate chip in the middle
Eyeball gummy

Pizza (thank you leftovers in the freezer)
Red bellpepper
Simple Cabbage Salad
Pomegranate (Diva's lunch)


  1. These look great! I've never made one of these sort of lunches before.

  2. These lunches look so healthy and yummy - you're so creative! I love the little "I love you" notes :)


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