Tuesday, September 10, 2013

2013 Bento 202 - 213 Take It Tuesday

Cheese Sandwiches (Stamped with Darth Vader)
Grilled Chicken
Mandarin Oranges
Goldfish (in the Yoda container)
(More Star Wars type of posts HERE)

The girls thought these pizza roll ups were so good. It took maybe 10-15 minutes to make them. Biscuits, pizza sauce, and cheese. Rolled up, baked, and cooled a little bit before packing while the kids had breakfast. They would freeze well also. The girls asked for more after school, Pixie asked me to pack her three next time. Here's a picture of her lunch after school, she didn't eat the carrots! Sigh. PICTURE.
Pizza Rolls

The next three lunches have
Fage Total Greek Yogurt with a drizzle of honey
Mango Slices
Kashi Hummus Chips
Georgetown Cupcake

Next three lunches
Roasted Chicken- I cut off the top where the cartilage is, and wrapped part of the drumstick in foil.
Baked potato
Broccoli - frozen, but it will be thawed by the time they eat it- especially since I packed these lunches the night before
Pancake Muffins/Cupcakes (From the freezer)

*Lunches are packed in Planetboxes
*More Sunbutter recipes and posts HERE.
*Disclaimer- I got the Kashi Hummus Chips and Fage yogurt free. But really, hummus chips and yogurt? NOM NOM.

I want to invite you all to share your lunches on my Facebook wall, Instagram (see hashtags below), Twitter, and in comments below.
Share your latest lunches- if you have a photo to upload, an Instagram post, a blog post. 
HASHTAGS- for Twitter/Facebook/Instagram/Pinterest  #peasblog #TakeitTuesday
Or come and share you favorite lunch box recipe.
Please make sure you link to all recipes and credit sources. I will delete any recipes that have been cut and pasted. Please leave links only.


  1. I love the Darth Vader stamp! I need to get a few of these Planetboxes. They make packing lunches look so much easier!

  2. I love this. I want to try the boxes soon for my little guy! :)


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