Sunday, March 11, 2012

American Girl - Giveaway

I have three girls and they love playing with dolls. They love playing with other things like Legos, dragons, and super hero capes also. But this post is about American Girl, :). My brother blessed them with American girl dolls for Christmas and we took them to the Bistro for tea, you can read my review on that here.
But, this giveaway is for the book pictured above. This giveaway is in no way endorsed by American Girl. I just wanted to do a giveaway for you all because I'm so thankful that you read my blog, I've made friends through here, and some of you have been so supportive. I just wanted to do a little giveaway to thank you all for that.
Here is a description of the Go For it! book,  from the American Girl site.
Girls can "go for it" with this book filled with advice about how to start an activity, make it fun, and stay inspired. Includes conversation starters, quizzes, crafts, games, and inspirational quotes, plus good advice from real girls on finding their ideal sport or hobby, and enjoying it to the fullest. Author: Patti Kelly Criswell. Paperback. 64 pages.
 Giveaway is open to anyone with a US shipping address that is 18 years of age or over. I would love if you shared this giveaway also!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. You need the share bar at the bottom of your posts. That way when I stop by, I can share easier.

    1. this is going to sound so lame but I can't figure it out. I went to my settings and slicked on the share/tweet/fb buttons but they won't show up at all. :( I've been working on it for months I may need to just pay someone

  2. Okay.... email me terrylee5151 at aol dot com I will try to explain it. If I can do it... so can you. LOL... I am computer illiterate.


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