Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Upcycled T- shirt capes

I'm not a seamstress. Both my mom and DH's mom sew. They sew very well at that. I just never really learned. I'm left handed and my mom is right handed so anytime she tried to teach me to crochet, knit, sew it just got frustrating for her. LOL, poor thing.
So, I do a lot of no sew and  very little sewing projects when I get bit by the sewing bug. Oh sure I get these ideas in my head of making gorgeous dresses and fantastic quilts. Then, I sit down and I'm just overwhelmed. That's why sewing for my girls is perfect, they don't care if things are straight or "right", they just don't, God bless them. It's nerve wracking to be a perfectionist. I really do try to step out of my "if I can't do it right, I just won't do it" zone. Especially when the girls are around. I don't want them to be limited, if you will, by perfection.
I have been teaching the older girls how to sew. Right now they are working on hand stitching pillows, draw string bags, eye masks, and teddy bears. I'll have to post them soon. They are good little seamstresses! They really enjoy it also.
I made these capes from three of DH's old T-shirts. I just had Purple Heart pick up 8 bags/boxes of books, clothing, baby gear today, and I saw these shirts and the Sock Monkey Pajamas in one of the bags. So I pulled them out to make these capes. There is NO sewing required for the capes, unless you want to sew them. I just cut off the arms. and front panel, leaving the collar. Stretched the sides so they would roll, see HERE. That's it. Done.  I didn't even cut the sides straight. You can even use fabric glue to attach the embellishments. I used felt and the pajamas to make some embellishments and stitched them on with a sewing machine.
That's it.
I kind of want my own cape. Maybe a shiny one.
Pixie is three.
Pixie dresses herself.
Pixie has girl power.
Pixie rocks.
 Look at those muscles. She flew around that commissary...
*I did not cut these capes into a straight V. You can kind of see the on the bottom two capes, I left the bottom of the capes wider. I think the girls like that better than just a skinny cape.

A friend of mine said she used stick on Velcro for capes she made. Pretty awesome idea, since they *should* tear away. Since these were DH's T-shirts, the collars are loose and could stand to be adjusted to be a little tighter, but I'm leaving them as is.

Do you sew? Knit? Crochet? Underwater basket weaving? What fun quick projects do you like to do?

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