Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Cave Tools Shish Kabob Barbecue Skewers Review

Sesame Ginger Shish Kabobs
Check out these great Shish Kabob Barbecue Skewers from Cave Tools. I've been looking to invest in some reusable skewers because I really dislike waste, the bamboo skewers also burn easily even when you soak them in water first! Luckily Cave Tools asked me to do another review, so I decided to give these skewers a test drive. I think they are fabulous.
They are easy to use, and easy to clean. Stainless steel to me is easy to clean anyway, but these are also dishwasher safe. These skewers are flat, so food doesn't start spinning when you turn the skewers over on the grill or in the oven. 

Cave Tools Shish Kabob Barbecue Skewers.
The ends of the skewers have holes for hanging. What I like about the ends is that they are flat with a good amount of surface area to hold on to. The round things you see on the end of the skewers is a disc that slides food off of the skewer. I think this is a great feature. There's also a stopper that the pointed ends so the disc doesn't come off. No pieces to lose!

 We used these and another set that my husband got with his new grilling tools set. The sticks that came with his tool set was almost twice as long. We thought "oh cool we can fit more food onto these". Except that we almost couldn't close our grill top unless we positioned the longer kabobs just right. No good.  The length also made them easily bendable and they seemed like they could break or warp easily. So that being said I want to touch base on what I like and don't like about our Cave Tools skewers.
What I liked:

  1. Dishwasher safe.
  2. Stainless steel, sturdy "rods".
  3. Flat side that is easy to hold and not the loop handles you see on some skewers that don't give you much surface area to hold on to.
  4. The skewers are flat, so that food doesn't spin around when you're trying to turn it, like a round skewer would do.
  5. A good length to fit enough food on without being too long for a dinner plate.
  6. The round disk that is used to push food off of the skewer is a pro, except the con about it is that we would love the disk to be a little thicker. We didn't bend any, but they are a little thinner and seem like they could bend with a lot of use.
  7. There is a stopper at the end of the skewer to keep the sliding disk from falling out.
  8. No pieces to lose.
What I disliked:

  1. The round disk that is used to push food off of the skewer is a pro, except the con about it is that we would love the disk to be a little thicker. We didn't bend any, but they are a little thinner and seem like they could bend with a lot of use.
  2. Because of the food sliding disk these don't store flat, but they don't take up much room.
  3. There's only ten to a pack, great for smaller families though.

All in all I would recommend these to a friend and buy them for a grill master.
Cave Tools has a lifetime guarantee on these skewers, that's pretty impressive!
Purchase Cave Tools items on their website. Use code SKEWER15 for 15% off.

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Disclaimer: I was provided a free sample/s of this product to review, and I was under no obligation to review it if I so chose.  Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review or sponsor a product giveaway in return for the free product. All pictures are from the companies site, unless noted. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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