Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Nutcracker Christmas Tree

This tree though. I puffy heart it. It's in my middle girl's room. It's quite lovely. Whimsical and classic. She picked the scriptures and phrases for the chalkboard ornaments. I love each and every one of them. So sweet.

 The ribbon we used as a tree topper and garland are from our very first Christmas together (mine and DH's that is) so are the bulb ornaments. She really liked them and I'm glad they match her theme so well. 

How precious is this? John 3:16...
For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son so that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life.

Of course we have Nutcracker ornaments! We found them on the dollar section at two stores. I didn't get a ton, but we got several and they all look so cute on the tree. The mini ones are from Michael's, and the larger ones are from the Target dollar spot. If we see anymore at the end of the season we'll add to her little collection. I think we'll also look for other characters from the Nutcracker ballet.

Here is the full tree. How sweet is that? Just darling. The cone ornaments are from Ikea. So that's our Nutcracker tree, what do you think? Do you have a Nutcracker tree? I'd love to hear about it or see it! Share in the comments below. Have a blessed Christmas!

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