Tuesday, November 10, 2015

American Girl Bitty Bear Christmas Tree

Trees, trees, trees. So it's been a good 5 years since I've really decorated for Christmas. I mean I think in that time we've put up one tree, I believe that was in 2012. Well, we finally have the room to pull things out and decorate! So I thought I would share some of our Christmas decoration with you all. First up is Pixie's tree. It's a 6 foot tree that is quite sad and not very fluffy or full, none of their trees are fluffy or full actually. But I got them for $21 each, so you can't beat that.

I collected these Bitty Baby Bears a couple years ago? I don't remember when. We did purchase these ornaments. I think the colors match her wall and are perfect for a little girl. I don't have a real tree skirt, but I am not going to buy anything else this year. I have some material I may sew into a tree skirt for her, put down and gather on the floor for her. Still, the tree turned out so very cute.
Yes, I've already started Christmas decorating, this is what happens when you can't decorate for years! I don't generally decorate for any holiday but Christmas so I was really itching to pull everything out! Normally I would wait until after Thanksgiving. Don't worry I'm still thankful :P .

 Sweet little Bitty Bear... love these sweet little guys. They are from the American Girl Doll company and are about 5 inches tall. Any bears can be used though.

 These ornaments have such great color and throw off a little vintage vibe. We purchased the box that came with all the ornaments and the two (short) strings of gold beads at Target.

 Isn't that pretty?
And of course, the whole tree- 

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