Saturday, January 4, 2014

Citrus Cranberry Brussels Sprouts

WOW, HAPPY NEW YEAR!! How was your Christmas? We had a wonderful Christmas. We got to spend time together, DH's youngest sister can to visit us, and we took a quick 48 hour trip to see the rest of  DH's family on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. It was such a blessing. Did you do any traveling?
I decided to share another Brussels Sprouts dish with you. We're fans of roasted Brussels Sprouts around here. Well, everyone but middle DD. She doesn't like broccoli roasted either, just steamed. Go figure. These Citrus Cranberry Brussels Sprouts are so easy to make and it's a great dish to get your children to help out with. The girls can wash, trim, zest, and season everything. All I need to do is put them in the oven and help keep an eye on them.
I'm not a huge fan of Craisins, but I thought they were festive, DH had some on his desk, and why not. I threw some in, I liked them in this dish. They more some sweet/tart flavor that I like. I hope you'll try this dish!
Walnuts can be used in place of the Sunflower Seeds too. I love walnuts but I don't use them very often because oldest DD is allergic.

Give Peas A Chance Citrus Cranberry Brussels Sprouts 

1 1/2 pounds  Brussels Sprouts, washed and trimmed
3 tablespoons Olive Oil (or your preferred cooking oil)

Stir together:
Zest of one Navel Orange
1/4- 1/3 cup Orange juice
Kosher salt
Cracked black pepper

1/4 cup Craisins
1/4 cup roasted Sunflower Seeds (more or less depending on preference)

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
Wash the sprouts. Remove loose and bruised leaves.
For the bigger sprouts, cut them in half or in quarters.
Drizzle with oil, season with salt and pepper.
Roast until caramelized on the outside, and tender on the inside. Shake the pan a few times to turn the sprouts so that they cook evenly. (About 30-40 minutes)
About 5-10 minutes before the sprouts are done cooking pour the orange juice mixture over the top of them. Stir in Craisins and Sunflower seeds also.

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