Saturday, December 14, 2013

Roasted Brussels Sprouts (On the Stalk)

This is such a fun way to have Brussels Sprouts. The children think it's so fun to cut their own sprouts off of the stalk to eat at the dinner table. The recipe and method for this is so simple my oldest two girls can make this. The sprout leaves get a little crisp on the outside and are tender on the inside. Such a great side dish.

Give Peas A Chance Roasted Brussels Sprouts on the Stalk

Stalk of Brussels Sprouts
Olive oil (Or butter and olive oil, or bacon grease, or coconut oil)
Salt and Pepper

Preheat your oven to 375 degrees.
Wash the sprouts. Trim the end of the stalk of it's too long to fit in your microwave/oven.
Remove loose leaves from Brussels Sprouts.
For the bigger sprouts, make crisscross cuts at the tips of them. This will help them cook through evenly.
Wrap the sprout stalk in damp pepper towels. Place in the microwave heat for about 5 minutes.  (If you want to skip this step see the notes below).
Remove sprouts from the microwave and drizzle with oil. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
Roast until caramelized on the outside, rotating the stalk a couple of times to evenly cook the sprouts. (About 25 minutes)
Serve as is or with a wedge of lemon.

Optional seasonings/flavorings
Brush the sprouts with a little maple syrup
Brush the sprouts with orange juice

If you don't want to use a microwave, start the sprouts in a lower 350 oven so that the insides of the sprouts can get tender. Then for the last 10+ or so minutes increase the temperature in the oven so the sprouts can get crisp.

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