Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving...

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and were able to spend it the way you wanted. We had a quiet time at home and t was such a blessing. DH was home, we didn't go anywhere, rush anywhere. On Friday we went with DH to his school for about an hour, actually we went to a store while he did some things in the lab. I got a shower curtain liner, I know big spender right? I can't remember the last time where we just didn't feel rushed or feel like there was somewhere we needed to be or DH needed to be. It was a wonderful long weekend. I hope that your time was blessed.
We didn't have turkey. The girls voted for King Crab. Here's our menu
King Crab legs
Roasted Broccoli
Acorn Squash Mash
Cranberry Orange Brussels Sprouts
Roasted Mushrooms- Diva made these
Chocolate Fondue
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