Thursday, November 7, 2013


One of the games my girls keep coming back to is the Kindness Kingdom game. I wrote  a full review here on Give Peas A Chance. It's such a fun game and we've all learned so much from it. I think it's one of those games that's fun and educational, not just book smart but "heart smart", is that a thing? It should be. This is a fun list of FAQs and answers to questions that your children may be asking or wondering, perfect for the holiday season!


To help parents and their kids get ready flawless manners during the holiday season, the ladies at Marvelously Well-Mannered, an Arlington, VA-based etiquette expert firm, have compiled the following FAQs and fun multiple choice answers, in the style of their manners game Kindness Kingdom.
1. You get a present for Christmas and don't like it or already have one, what should you do?
A. Throw the present across the room and yell “you and your present are really lame!” B. Say, “I absolutely love the gift” and is “exactly what I’ve always wanted.”
C. Smile and say, “thank you” for their kindness in giving you the gift.
Answer: C. Say, “thank you” for the gift and find something nice to say about the gift or the thought behind it. But don’t rave about the gift if it isn’t something you really like. People will know you are faking it. If it is something you already have, still say thank you and then talk to your parents. They will know if the gift giver – like a close relative - would want to know the gift is something you already have so you could exchange it.

2. What should you do if someone sends you a Christmas card or present but you celebrate Hanukkah (Kwanza or some other holiday)?
A. Get mad and say, “Thanks but no thanks, I don’t celebrate Christmas” then walk away.
B. Smile and say, “Thank you and the same to you too!”
C. Smile and say, “Happy Hanukkah to you” since that is what you celebrate.
Answer: B. It seems that someone who doesn’t know you that well just tried to wish you some happiness of the season. They were trying to be nice. Do your part to spread more cheer by being gracious. There is not need to correct them.

3. Should you give your teacher(s) a holiday card or gift?
A. Yes, and make sure it is the biggest card and the most expensive gift.
B. No, she is always correcting you and telling you what to do in class – why waste money on a gift for your lame teacher.
C. Yes, a card or a small gift are each a nice gesture.
Answer: C. A homemade card with a heartfelt note about how much you like your teacher and wish them well would be very nice indeed. A small gift is always a kind gesture, but absolutely not necessary. The cost is not important – it is the thought that counts.

4. Should you give your babysitter a holiday card or gift?
A. Yes, if she regularly sits for you and is lots of fun.
B. No, let your parents do that.
C. Only if she will then let you stay up late and eat lots of candy.
Answer: A. While your parents are very likely to give your regular sitter a small gift, it would be very thoughtful of you to also give her a card or a small homemade gift – cookies or a picture or something like that. Don’t give a gift in hopes of getting something in return – like candy or staying up late.

5. If you are going to visit relatives' for the holidays, but they don't celebrate the same way your family does should you ask your parents to "help" your relatives do it right?
A. Yes, having your parents tell them how to celebrate the holiday “right” will make it more fun for everyone.
B. No, but talk to your parents to see if there is any way you can share some of your family traditions with the relatives too.
C. No, but sulk and make sure to complain about the celebrations so that everyone has as bad a time as you do.
Answer: B. Be a flexible, good guest by following your host’s lead. While your relatives may do things differently than your family does, that is ok. Enjoy your time with your relatives. Talk to your parents beforehand to see if there is any opportunity to share a tradition of your family’s at the event – like bringing a favorite food dish, reading a special holiday story, or going for a family walk after the meal. Do your part to make some fun memories of the occasion. No one likes a downer, so no complaining or sulking.

6. If you see something you really want for Christmas on TV, can you tell your mom and dad to get it for you?
A. No, you cannot tell someone to buy you something but you can give a hint of things you like.
B. Yes, scream for your parents the next time the commercial comes on so you can show them what you want. They would appreciate the help.
C. No, never tell someone to get your something and don’t help them with hints – if your parents really love you they will know what you want.
Answer: A. You should never demand that your parents – or anyone else – buy you a specific gift. But a gentle hint is usually appreciated.
Casually mention the item in conversation. “I can’t believe the cool new Lego building set I saw.” Giving just the perfect gift is hard, even for people who know you. Make sure you are grateful for whatever you receive and say, thank you.
7. Do you have to write thank you notes for my presents?
A. Only for the presents you like.
B. Yes, each present you receive during the holidays deserves a thank you note.
C. No, handwritten thank you notes are so old fashioned. Text or call instead or better yet have your parents tell them how much you like the gifts instead.
Answer: B. Every kindness, like a present (including those you don’t really like) deserves a thank you. You can say thank you when opening the present in front of the person who gave it to you. A handwritten thank you note shows those who are not around when you open the present how much you appreciate the present or their thoughtfulness. You can never go wrong writing one.

Check in with their blog and helpful website frequently. And when in a pinch, reach out to them with your own etiquette question to

This is not a paid or sponsored post, I just love this product!

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