Tuesday, November 12, 2013

2013 Lunches 348-355 Take It Tuesday

Lunches, lunches, lunches :) Welcome to another Take It Tuesday on Give Peas a Chance!! Details on how to "play along" are at the bottom of this post. Click on the collages to enlarge the lunches.
The holiday's are fast approaching aren't they? This whole year is just flying by. I want to slow some parts of it way down. But I guess that's not possible :)

Let's move on to lunches. The first lunches are brought to you by the letter C-
The lunches above are packed in a Planetbox Shuttle (top two pictures), and the bottom two are just some bento boxes that I have, which I don't use often but I like them. 
Laughing Cow Cheese 
Sunflower Seeds

These two lunches are
Nutella Sandwiches
Celery with Sunbutter
Mini Pepperoni
Sunflower Seeds
(Diva was home sick so only two lunches)

 *Lunches are packed in Planetboxes
*More Sunbutter recipes and posts HERE.
I wanted to invite you all to share your lunches on my Facebook wall, Instagram (see hashtags below), Twitter, and in comments below.
Share your latest lunches- if you have a photo to upload, an Instagram post, a blog post. 
HASHTAGS- for Twitter/Facebook/Instagram/Pinterest  #peasblog #TakeitTuesday
Or come and share you favorite lunch box recipe.
Please make sure you link to all recipes and credit sources. I will delete any recipes that have been cut and pasted. Please leave links only.

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