Saturday, January 7, 2012

Christmas post (and Bell ornaments)

I haven't done a Christmas post! We strayed from tradition in more ways than one this Christmas. For one, we did the whole Santa thing. It was so fun for the girls. The oldest has asked before if Santa is real. And we've told her the truth, we've also told her about St. Nick and who he was. But she still choose to play along this year. The picture with Santa was taken at Christmas Town, at Busch Gardens, during Santa's Fireside Feast. We spent three days there, the girls got to have lunch with Santa and his wife. We rode rides, had hot chocolate, rode more rides! It was a blast! This was the week before Christmas.

This year it was just our little family at home for Christmas. Our first ever, it was wonderful. Sure we missed family, but we had such a good time. 
On Christmas Eve the girls put out the best SUGGA cookies for Santa and carrots for the reindeer. I played Santa, though I think DH ate the cookie? I left the note, and set out Santa gifts. I also made these little bell ornaments with the year and each of the girls name's on them. The front says "The bell still rings for those who truly believe." I think I got that offline, but it's just script, you can do any font you like.
The girls got to open their Christmas ornament gifts. I let them open up their Jammies at Christmas town. Usually on Christmas Eve they open up three gifts- an ornament, pajamas and a white envelope type of gift. Though the envelope is a hard tradition sometimes!
On Christmas morning, I was so excited I slept on the couch with the camera in case the girls got up before us. They didn't. I was up. Put breakfast in the oven. Was loud about it. Finally they were up and we snuggled in bed while Diva read the Christmas story. We talked about it, asked them questions about Jesus' birth. So fun. I didn't have many nativities put up, but the ones I do put up I try to hide baby Jesus until Christmas day. My main one, Mary is holding Him so that stays put. We opened stockings in bed.

Then the girls went to see if Santa came, they didn't see the tree, they just checked on the cookies. Then we had breakfast. I know it seems so scattered, they didn't mind eating first and were still excited about stockings at breakfast.

After breakfast we just lounged around, opened gifts. At a slow pace I must say LOL. It took, goodness 2+ hours? We Skyped with family members and they got to watch the girls open gifts. The girls played with each toy for a good while before we would call or skype another family member. I think we were in our pajamas all day. I'm sure of it. The girls came to dinner in their PJ's. 
Another break from traditon, well, two. Jesus' birthday cake was pitiful this year. But I was out voted. Usually His cake is pretty fantastic, see? This year the girls and DH wanted Funfetti. I kid you not. You don't bake Jesus a cake from a box do you? Apparently you do, and this is why it's alright to do so...
Yes, to make sure I understood why Diva voted for Funfetti, she drew me a picture. That's Jesus, on Palm Sunday... see the confetti? That's celebration, she went on to tell me, it shouldn't be red velvet cake because that's to much like blood. Awesome. Funfetti it was... and it was ugly. I'm so sorry Jesus, Happy Birthday though.
For dinner, instead of our usual King Crab and Prime rib, I guess last year it was Roasted lamb? We had fondue. A cheese fondue - a combination of Brie and other cheeses and a broth fondue with steak, pork, shrimp, tofu, veggies, pasta.
Dessert was a peppermint dark chocolate fondue. With fruit and pound cake. YUM.
All in all it was an amazing Christmas. How was yours? What did you do?
I hope you had a blessed Christmas and that your New year is filled with love, peace, joy and God's presence.


  1. I had forgotten how much fun it is to have fondue! My grand-daughters would love it--great for conversation.
    Here's hoping your new year brings you health and peace.

    1. it's a blast! thanks so much Beth! Have a wonderfully blessed year!


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