Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Tropical Traditions - GIVEAWAY

I love coconut oil. There's no secret about that. The thing is I only recently heard of Tropical Traditions.  Their coconut oil is made by HAND from fresh coconuts, as opposed to using a machine and dry coconut. It tastes fantastic. Not only is it made by hand the purchase of this coconut oil benefits Philippine families in rural areas where they gather and make this oil. The families that make this oil go through Good Manufacturing Practice training and are re-certified each year. You can read more about how they started making the coconut oil and links to research about coconut oil on this page HERE.
I have used this coconut oil for scrambled eggs, sauteing and tossing on grilled vegetables. You can bake with it, put it in smoothies. I've used it to make vinaigrette for salads. You can type in "coconut oil" in the search box here on Give Peas a Chance for recipes. 
This is my favorite coconut oil. The more I look through the Tropical Traditions website the more I love it. They have a Coconut Cream Concentrate that I want to try so BADLY. They also have healthy products, pet products, organic foods, meats and more.  Umm really?? Can you just schedule a delivery to my house every month? What a dream com true that would be!
Tropical Traditions has a facebook page that posts awesome sales and giveaways also. Be sure to follow them on Twitter also HERE. They also have a ton of fantastic recipes posted HERE.
Would you like to try Tropical Traditions Gold Label Virgin Coconut oil.  Purchase some HERE.
And enter to win some below!

I was sent coconut oil for review purposes. I was not paid for this review, the opinions in this blog post are my own and I was not paid for it.


  1. I'd like to try the coconut flakes or the raw honey.

  2. Would love to get the Organic Insect Repellent. I can't use any of the ones with chemicals in them so I always get "eaten alive" LOL

  3. I think I want to try the recipe for the Creamy Coconut Pumpkin Fudge! Sounds delicious!

  4. I'd like to try their Palm Shortening or their dish detergent.

    avroradavidovna at gmail dot com

  5. The Coconut Baked Chicken Recipe looks really good!

  6. i would love to try their Citrus-Mint Skin Exfoliator

    hancoci_s at msn dot com

  7. would love to try the stuffed acorn squash!

    hancoci_s at msn dot com

  8. i would love to try their raw honey! looks divine!

  9. I would like to try their brown rice syrup.

  10. Their Coconut Peanut Butter looks yummy!

  11. I'd like to also try : Coconut Flour
    (littleangel_mw at yahoo dot com)

  12. Of course I would LOVE their coconut oil, but I would also love to try their coconut peanut butter. That sounds interesting. And I've never used coconut flour before so I would love to try it in a few baking recipes.


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