Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Katydid Creations GIVEAWAY

Woo hoo! Here's a giveaway from Katydid Creations. I don't sew, but I have had the privilege of owning items from Katydid creations. Wonderful soft bamboo velour scarves and she made these dresses for my girls.
Aren't they fantastic?? I love them and the girls love twirling in them. They wore them last year for Easter.  Here are some other beautiful items from Katydid Creations and a giveaway

LOVE this.

Bamboo Yoga Pants.

So, without further ado, the giveaway! Written by Kate herself-
Here is your chance to make your little the princess dress to fit the princess she is in your heart!  I would love to give away a copy of each of my patterns.  The pattern will allow you to choose the design elements of the princess dress.  Together you and your little lady can design the perfect dress.  Here are the links to the patterns: http://www.etsy.com/shop/katydids?section_id=10459309 
or http://hyenacart.com/KatydidCreations/index.php?c=38
I look forward to seeing your creations!  Thanks so much, Kate
Here are pictures of finished dresses.


  1. I have two little girls, so this pattern would be to make THEIR princess dreams come true.

  2. i would give the pattern to my mom so she can do some for my kidlets!!
    hancoci_s at msn dot com

  3. i think this one sounds YUM

    hancoci_s at msn dot com

  4. I have one little princess and it would go to make what ever her heart desired.

  5. Love all the shirts with matching twirly skirts

  6. I love the Fall Leaves Tiered Skirt!

  7. I posted the requested message on Katydid Creations' Facebook wall at https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10150415329403783&id=181424198782.


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