Monday, August 29, 2011

2011 Bento 98, 99, 100! Back to SCHOOL

WHERE did the summer go!? Where did my babies go?! There is a little hiding behind her sisters that is still home with me, but she's not so much baby either! *Sniff*
I can't believe summer went by so fast. I remember when we had long summer breaks and long winter breaks.
 Second grade.
 Kindergarten. First year at the same school as her sister, since we moved here. We found out that their classes are right next door to each other at the open house. She looks so grown up!

These bentos are out of order since I have a few more I haven't posted from summer. But here we go. I wasn't prepared. I'm usually not, but more so today since I didn't go grocery shopping this weekend. Hurricane Irene gave us lots of rain and some businesses closed down. 
I packed the Yubo box for Piglet. I did a review on this box HERE.

Challah french toast
1 piece of sausage
syrup and salt.
No vegetables. We'll have a salad tonight.
 Planet box for Diva, here is my review on them.
I used the lock and lock for Pixie. I sometimes pack her lunch if we're headed out or just to eat at home.
Free back to school signs printed from

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