Monday, June 20, 2011

Larabar Review

*all images are from the Larabar site LINK.

Have you heard of the wonderful mighty Larabar? Wonderful, convenient, no preservatives, no added colors, soy, gluten, or dairy, Larabar? None of the bars contain over nine ingredients and they are a raw food. They are amazing. When I first started eating Paleo/Primal it was awesome to find these. They were perfect to eat if I was out and about and didn't want to grab convenience food. Great to just  keep in my purse, OK I still keep them in my purse. I took some on the cruise with me too! I know right, the cruise where they had all I could eat, that had a 24 hr pizza and ice cream bar- I brought nuts, jerky, Larabars and snagged fruit during meals to keep with me.

Have you tried Larabar? What is your favorite and why? I'd love to try Cinnamon Roll next, but I haven't been able to find it! But here's what I have tried...

I had originally tried Larabars in Cashew Cookie, Banana Bread, Carrot Cake, Apple Pie, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, Cherry Pie, Coconut Cream Pie and Cherry Pie.  I have also tried the Jocolat- in Mint, Chocolate and Coffee- even if the chocolate in these have sugar. My favorite of those is Carrot cake and the Cookie Dough. The Carrot cake has... wait for it... raisins. You don't know/remember how I feel about raisins? Well, let me refresh your memory- click HERE. That's right folks, the mom that picks raisins out of her own food to give to her kids, has named the Carrot cake Larabar as one of my favorite flavors.  It tastes like Carrot cake. While I love the Cookie dough, its a rare treat because of the sugar in the chocolate. The Cashew Cookie needs a shout out too! It has just the right amount of sweetness, it very balanced and the buttery cashews- NOM.  A big plus is that it only has TWO ingredients. 

I thought I would love the chocolate ones right off the bat and pick them as my favorites. They are really good but surprisingly I like the non chocolates better. It may be because I just don't need a lot of that refined sugar sweet anymore. Not that these are overly sweet but if you cut refined sugars out of your diet, you aren't used to that sugar sweet anymore. If that makes sense. My two youngest girls though LOVE Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough.

I was so smitten with Larabar that I contacted them to let them know, what nice people working there! I told them I loved the bars I've tried and wanted to write a review. Especially when there were new flavors to try that I couldn't find at the commissary, Target or Wholefoods. Larabar sent me Ginger Snap, Blueberry Muffin, Pecan Pie and Chocolate Chip Brownie. To inhale... I mean try. NOM NOM. 
THANK YOU so much Larabar! Shout out to Erica who was so nice!

Speaking of nice, this company has great customer service. They are a people company. They post on their facebook, reply to posts- and I'm talking every. post. and twitter too.

My only "cons" to post are that my eldest can't have a lot of nuts, but there is the Banana Bread bar which only has almonds. That's the one nut she can have. And cost. These bars aren't cheap ranging from $1.80+, but that's about normal for this type of item.  Maybe that's because I'm the wife of a med student? LOL. Worth it for a little treat? For sure! So if you want to send me a case of Blueberry Muffin, Carrot Cake, or... JK! I promise I would ration them as treats.

I decided to post on facebook and other places to see how other people felt about Larabar- and it turns out they are just as smitten as I am! See their raves below.
Also I found this informative video below from My Fitness Coach- I've never seen one of their videos but I found this on the Larabar!

Larabar love from friends of mine-

L- I like the cherry ones because they taste like cherry pie. The tartness is good. Also I like the pbj flavor. 

M- I like that they're gluten free. I enjoy the cashew cookie. :)

 J- I love them! Because they have simple, filling, whole ingredients. Also they are "grab and go". My kids love them too, especially the cashew one and the plain chocolate one (the original one w/o brownie or cookie dough etc).

C- Peanut Butter cookie - yum.

Love the cherry pie, too, but it always makes me wish I could dip it into whip cream.
My kids love them all - if that helps.

T- Love cherry pie! Love the ingredients! I am in this ridiculous diet, for my treatment, and cannot have soooooo many things, yet I can have nearly a dozen different Lara bar flavors. I like their density, and how filling they are

D- Cherry Pie. There is a chocolate one too that I love. I like that it is a treat but not totally empty calories. I love that there aren't a bunch of chemicals or soy protein isolate. They are pretty filling too.
N- I like that they are quick and filling, but not full of yucky stuff. I like eating real food, esp when nursing. Perfect for one handed eating while the other hand is full of baby. And they aren't too sweet, so they don't spike my blood sugar.
C-  I love that they are all natural and only made of fruit and nuts!! My favorites are cherry pie, blueberry muffin, and chocolate chip cookie dough! They really taste like those flavors but are good for you :)
M- What everyone else has said - they are quick and convenient, but they taste so much better than any other bar. And you k now you are getting real simple ingredients. My favorite flavor is Peanut Butter Cookie - tastes just like cookie dough, IMO.

Stay updated with Larabar
Twitter @larabar

Where to purchase 
Larabar Store online
Local grocery stores- Wholefoods, Safeway, Commissary, Target

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