Monday, February 6, 2017

2017 School Lunches 26-35

Welcome to another Take It Tuesday! I'm still here. Still packing lunches. What about you all? I do feel like I'm in a rut. But the kids haven't said lunches have gone down hill or anything, so there's that. I don't know what puts me in a rut. I know it's a first world problem. Not knowing what to pack as opposed to not having food to pack at all. I think part of all my cooking and meal planning is that, this is what I do. It's my job. The house, the feeding, the care of the tribe. That's my job. I feel its never done because I never leave. So while my tribe is happy, content with what I'm feeding them. The day to day, every day, all day... routine sometimes bores me. Lord it bores me sometimes. Not saying I'm not thankful, I know I'm blessed but let's face it. I'm not meeting new clients, working on new projects, having exciting adult conversations. This is it ya'll. Lunches. Dinners. Laundry. I was talking to someone the other day about how my family could eat the same meals over and over and be fine. It's me that needs variety. I suspect the "routine" and day to day of being here all the time is partly to blame for that. What do you think? Can you relate to either side? Am I alone in this? Who knows. But here are lunches. Because, well... routine.

Hot dogs that I wrapped in crescent roll dough. I sprinkled them with Penzeys Sunny Paris.
Asian Pears
In Planetboxes.
(One of my kiddos was sick last week, so there are less lunches pictured for that reason.)

BBQ chicken that i made in the Instant Pot and finished off under the broiler.
Cornbread that my 10 year old made
In Yumboxes

Chicken paties
Sweet peppers
In Yumboxes

In Yumboxes

That's it for this week! I hope you are having a great start of the New Year and that you had a wonderful Lunar New Year also!

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