Tuesday, November 8, 2016

2016 Let Them Eat Cake- Cherry Vanilla Bean Cupcakes

These cute little cupcakes are some of my favorite. The vanilla and cherry are so good together, and well, these are just cute. Pixie requested cherry cake for her birthday, so I came up with these. The pipettes were too long, but I guess that just meant more cherry juice. I have found shorter ones but these were fun.

Even without the little flavor shot this little cupcake is just too cute. I used chopped maraschino cherries to flavor  the batter and the juice to add color. It's really a simple cupcake.

Each cupcake had a center with the cherry pieces in it. I didn't swirl the batter or anything. Just added a layer of vanilla bean, added some cherry batter in the middle, and topped it off with more vanilla bean. Until I ran out then it was whatever was left.

I love the pretty specks of vanilla on these cupcakes, especially on the vanilla cake. I'm a huge fan of vanilla though! I usually don't measure, I pour it in. Even if I'm already scraping beans for the seeds.

 They baked up beautifully. The perfect thing about cupcakes is that we could freeze them or share them very easily with friends.

Below is what the inside looked like after the cherry shot was inserted. I ate my cupcake without extra cherry juice, I was the only one. Sugar freaks I tell you. BUT these were a hit.

Happy Birthday sweet Pixie.

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