Saturday, May 10, 2014

Young Living EO

Do you use essential oils? I admit my knowledge of essential oils before this post was very limited. It's still very limited. Before this, I used Tea Tree oil in baby wipe recipes and diaper wash, some oils for bath and body products, and even fewer in recipes! My friend Michelle however has been using Young Living oils for her and her family with such success that I'm interested in knowing more! Michelle has a great blog that can be found here called My Blue Daisy, it's a beautiful blog and has great allergen free healthy recipes. Her post on TRIED AND TRUE Essential oil recipes can be found HERE.
I'm impressed with the testing that's done on the Young Living oils, The plants used are grown organically, these oils are tested and only the purest oils are stocked and sold. I'm always in awe of the detail and care that God has put into creation/nature to bless us and help us. So many times I look back at the natural remedies that my mom used and shared with us. They worked. We tend to overlook things because they are "simple" and our needs are "bigger". Simple and natural that works is such a blessing!
I've been using the Lemon oil and the Lime oil in a nail oil that I made. The Young Living oils have a "true" clean scent. These are also safe for consumption, so I feel very comfortable putting them on my skin. Don't assume all essential oils that you buy are.

 I used the Lemon and Lime in my nail oil because of several reasons:
1. Clean citrus scent. It's true that the scent is uplifting. When I was a little girl and we would go on road trips my mom would peel citrus fruits and pass the peel around so we could sniff if it if we were feeling nauseated. My dad would sniff it while driving to help him stay energized and awake.
2. They help exfoliate the cuticles and promote healthy skin.
3. Lemon oil is cleansing.
4.   Lime provides antioxidants to the skin, which may reduce dark spots due to aging and acts as an insect deterrent.

I love my nail oil, I love that I know what's in it and even my thumb sucker can safely use it!

Here are some other benefits of the Lemon Young Living oil and more information-

How about this great recipe from the Young Living blog?

Delicious Limeade
2 cups crushed ice
1 cup water
Fresh fruit (strawberries, cherries, etc.)
1-2 drops Lime essential oil

That's it. I mean really, no ingredients, no colors, not artificial flavorings. How perfect is that?

Here is more about this company and Young Living oils from Michelle-
I am so impressed with Young Living. Before we started using essential oils for our family, I researched the leading companies on the market that dealt with 'pure' oils. I compared and contrasted and read quite a bit. Young Living came up the better choice each time, so that's how we ended up with YL. (Always do your own research, by the way.)
I really appreciate that the company tests their oils before they will use them or distribute them. Not only do they verify purity of the oils through mass spectrometry, but they do another test, too, called Optical Rotation / Chiral Columns. This is the test that truly verifies if a substance is truly plant material. If you are scenting a candle, then you might not care if you are using true lavender or something adulterated that just smells good. But if I'm soothing a burn or a gymnastics rip or diffusing lavender to help my children rest and focus or give relief from a cold, then it needs to be pure, unadulterated lavender steam distilled at low temperatures straight from the lavender plant. That's the only kind that is truly therapeutic. Testing for Optical Rotation is a big deal and it doesn't seem like any of the other companies do this.
Young Living is first and foremost an agricultural company. They farm responsibly and sustainably. They own much of their own farms from which they collect their plants for pressing or distilling. Not only do they use organic farming methods, they actually use their own oils to keep their plants healthy. Essential Oils are the life blood of plants. They are oxygenating and germ fighting on purpose, as designed. The more I learn about the science of essential oils, the more I am amazed at how big and amazing my God is. Plant science is fascinating.
Frequency - if you find a passion for oils, this is worth studying out. All life has energy, correct? Well essential oils have an electrical frequency. Young Living uses this information to create many of their blends.
Young Living truly cares about the end product. Many companies will distill, rinse and repeat. Collecting up to even the 4th and 5th distillate. Young Living only uses the first distillate from a plant as that is where the purest oil will be. They will turn oils away that don't meet their standard, even if it means allowing an oil to go to out of stock status while they wait on a pure oil to be collected. The more I learn about the integrity of this company, the more impressed I am. They have farms in Hawai'i, Ecuador, Idaho, France... and they even have partnerships in Africa for the best Frankincense.
Young Living is passionate about helping people get access to truly pure oils that enhance, soothe, energize and promote healing.

If you'd like to learn more about Young Living please contact Michelle

Disclaimer: I was provided a free sample/s of this product to review, and I was under no obligation to review it if I so chose.  Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review or sponsor a product giveaway in return for the free product. All pictures are from the companies site, unless noted.
More giveaways on Give Peas A Chance found HERE.


  1. Thanks for sharing a little about essential oils. It's great to find a company that cares so much about what they do. The recipe sounds SO good!!

  2. I LOVE Young Living essential oils! Great article!!! I've also found lemon oil is also great for varicose veins and kidney stones.


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