Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Super Strawberry Cake and Shakes!

Is it strawberry season yet? I can't wait! I enjoy strawberries just by themselves. But I also think they are fantastic in this cake, which also has pureed strawberries in the batter. I also chopped strawberries and put them in the middle frosting layer.
Strawberry Freezer Jam is something DH grew up on. I haven't made it in ages!
Diva makes a mean Strawberry White Chocolate Milkshake too.
How do you enjoy your strawberries? What's your favorite Summer fruit?
I haven't blogged this cake, but I just took a vanilla cake recipe. Added strawberries and a tiny bit of strawberry flavoring. :) 

Strawberry White Chocolate Milk Shake

1 comment:

  1. Both the cake and shake look delicious. I add strawberries to my morning shake, but I would love to try the strawberry white chocolate milk shake. Yum!


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