Friday, May 2, 2014

Spring has SPRUNG!

I can't believe Spring Break has come and gone for the girls. :( We've been keeping busy. My youngest started her first soccer clinic and she loved it. The kids had their Easter Sing at church. The weather is warming up, so that means church picnics start up soon. My children so look forward to that.
So far for Spring break and recently we've been hanging out here.
We went swimming, can you say cold? It was an indoor pool but still. Cold. I didn't go in the water. There is a plus side to having older kids!
We also went to the local gardens to take pictures. It was fun taking pictures there because everything was just starting to bloom. So beautiful!
We also went canoeing, and saw the Cherry Blossoms in the Tidal Basin.
 The girls asked to go out for sushi twice during Spring Break. I wasn't about to argue. 
We also went to the Science and Engineering Festival. So fun. I can't wait to share some of those pictures with you.
What are you up to with the weather being so mild?

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