Thursday, April 17, 2014

Girls can be SUPERHEROS too! CONTEST

Do you all remember my review and giveaway on Lottie Dolls? You can find that review HERE. I'd love you to take a peek at it because the dolls are awesome, and the message is clear- Lottie Dolls are FUN and REAL!
I'd like to tell you some news that Lottie Dolls has shared with me. Right now there's a contest going on. For what you ask?
Read all about it here straight from Lottie Dolls-
We’ve teamed up with US non-profit organisation ‘Brave Girls Want’ to launch an innovative global competition to get kids aged 10 and under to design a superhero outfit for the Lottie™  doll.

This competition is really exciting and innovative as it will be the first time that a crowdsourced doll outfit design by a child will go into commercial production.
With the release of a whole slew of superhero movies on the way, we know that there is an acknowledged lack of strong female superheroes out there, so this is why we thought a competition and campaign with the message that girls can be superheroes too! is very much needed.

 The Lottie Superhero Outfit Design Competition

The prize
-          One lucky child will see their superhero outfit design manufactured and made commercially available in Autumn 2014.
-          The winning child will see their original artwork design, first name, age, city and country on the back of the outfit packaging
-          The winning child will also win the entire range of Lottie dolls, accessories and outfits

How to enter
  1. Parents: Go to the Superhero Contest app on the Lottie Facebook page at ; like the page and download and print out the Superhero Outfit Design template.
  2. Kids: Start colouring and create a superhero outfit design for Lottie
  3. Parents: Take a photo of your child’s design and upload it on the Lottie Facebook app, and fill in a form to allow your child to enter.

Terms and Conditions
-          Competition open to kids aged 10, and under only
-          Parental permission required to enter the competition
-          Competition closing date 7th May 2014
-          A winner will be selected by jury and confidentially notified in May 2014
-          Multiple entries permitted
-          Full terms and conditions available at:

Spread the word: Girls can be superheroes too!
-          We are using the hashtag #girlsuperhero on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest to spread the word.  A selection of entries is shown on Pinterest
*This post is in no way sponsored by Lottie Dolls or those running the contest. I just believe in this company's positive message to all kids! My girl will be entering this one once I tell them about it!

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