Friday, March 14, 2014

Free Friday- Exterminate Winter!

We have had some completely FABULOUS snow days around here. It's been so wonderful. No one was sick during them, we didn't lose power. It was just how snow day's should be. Plenty of fun snow, everyone healthy. SO FUN. Of course we'll have to make up days at the end of Summer, but hey it was worth it to us. To have snow that the kids could play in, go sledding in.
One day we built this little Dalek. We're Doctor Who geeks around here so a Whovian snowman had to be built.
It seems as if Spring as arrived here and there won't be any more snow storms. That's fine, until next year.
Did you all have a mild winter or a crazy one?


  1. I usually enjoy the first one or two snow storms, but then after that am ready fro Spring. This Winter has been quite a crazy one!


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