Thursday, November 21, 2013 has the Perfect Gifts for all ages! GIVEAWAY

Do you like to give gifts that are not only fun but they encourage the recipient to explore more? Whether it be their creative side (arts, crafts, musical, etc), their intellectual side (math, science, physics, chemistry, etc)? What about gifts that aren't your everyday mainstream gifts? The is the place to go.
What is the  Do you ever visit museums, zoos, and aquariums? Their gift shops are loaded with fun, educational, gifts. The gifts are always unique. The Museum Tour website is a place where you can find these great products and games that aren't just fun, but educational. They have a focus on arts and science. When you're looking for that unique gift but can't get to one of these gift shops, OR when you want to give someone a gift to remind them of a special outing you shared is the place to go. 
On the website you can shop one of the many categories such as-

You can also shop by clicking on the recipients age, for a guide to age appropriate gifts.

Here is some information from their "About Us" page.
The Museum Tour website and catalog is the brainchild of a former museum director. As a former educator and president of the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, she recognized a need for enjoyable, easy to communicate teaching aides to assist parents in fulfilling their role as primary educators. After all, in every generation parents, aunts, uncles and grandparents have taken on the responsibility of insuring that the children become contributing members of society. But the training tools they used were found in the kitchen, garage, and farmyard. Today, to compete globally, we need modern props (that are rapidly changing) to assist our children's learning. The Museum Tour website and annual catalog make it easy for adults to create enjoyable learning opportunities for children beyond the museum and science center walls. supports museums nationwide and donates to organizations that support military families, 
disaster victims, low-income schools, clubs, and shelters. In its endeavor to extend the museum experience 
into homes, Museum Tour shares its profits with its 22 museum members.
All products are selected by museums, aquariums, science centers, and educators for their ability to involve children in thought-provoking and creative problem-solving. (A great number of schools and camps nationwide find our interactive products useful for their group activities.)

Twenty-two national science centers, zoos, and aquariums and a host of some of the nation's top manufacturers have joined together to fill our catalog with award-winning, educational products that extend the museum experience into the home.

For a full list of our museum members click here. 
Here are some fun picks to help you get started on your gift list this season
The first two items the girls and I picked personally.

Aquarelium Jr. Paint Sets • Ages 6+ • $17.99 
**The special paper in this kit repels mistakes so that there's no frustration painting in the fine details. My girls are all about painting and the color chart that comes with this set that shows you how to mix so many different colors was so fun. The pictures dried so pretty after painting, such a fun experience!

Choose themes from princess, fairies, parrots and mermaids to the park.
Brush on the Color, Let the Magic Canvas Handle the Details! Crafted of professional-quality watercolor paper, these specially embossed picture cards absorb paint in some areas and repel it in others. This allows the intricate details of each painting to appear as you paint. You can brush color away and add a new shade until your masterpiece is picture perfect!

The Duct Tape Book • Ages 8+ • $14.95 
** My niece is a big fan of duct tape. She's always making something out of it. Wallets, furniture for her dolls, we love that this book has so many ideas that would even be great for gift giving. There's even instructions on how to make a Bow Tie, which we all thought was cool since we're Doctor Who fans.

Who doesn't love all the colorful Duct Tape that's available now? This book has so many fun projects to make, all with tape! Find easy instructions for 25 creative projects -- wallets, picture frames, baskets and much more -- in this 144-page 

Other fun gifts-
Candy Chemistry • Ages 10+ • $36.99 
Have your science lesson and eat it too! This kit is a wonderful introduction 
to chemistry since it uses everyday ingredients found in the kitchen. 
Produce a variety of candies while learning why one is hard, another chewy 
and yet another soft. Kids discover that cooks make chemical reactions 
every time they heat or stir ingredients. Kit includes 48-page illustrated 
instruction book, molds, thermometer, spatula, dipping fork, foils, paper 
cups, sticks and wrappers. 

Magformers Carnival Set • Ages 6+ • $74.95 
Hand-eye coordination gets a big boost with this marvelous 
construction set. Build a Ferris wheel or any other thrill ride you can think of with the 
46-piece Carnival Set, complete with little action figures to build into the ride. Explore 
and experiment with five colorful geometric shapes -- triangle, square, rectangle, 
diamond and trapezoid -- to create simple and complex 3D magnetic models.

Art Tablet • Ages 3+ • $39.99 
A huge leap above coloring books and crayons is this Art 
Tablet. Watch your artwork come to life with this super-protective and easy-to-hold 
iPad holder, art set and downloadable iOS app combo. Interactive stamps make 
patterns, animation, music and special effects. Use the tactile stylus as a pencil, 
crayon, marker or paintbrush. Then turn it on its side to make 
textures and cool visual effects.

Living Sands • Ages 3+ • $79.95 
What is it? Form "sand" into hard durable shapes and with a soft touch, it’ll break 
apart and appear to move, as if alive! Non-toxic and antibacterial, Living Sands won’t 
stain and easily removes from hands. Parents report it’s the most unique play 
materials on the market with an easy-to-mold feel similar to 
cookie dough, yet it is totally dry to the touch. Includes table 
and colorful molding tools. 

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If you are in the US, have a US address, and are 18 years of age or older, enter below to win. Read the rules HERE, first.

Enter below to win $30 gift code to spend on

Disclaimer: I was provided a free sample/s of this product to review, and I was under no obligation to review it if I so chose.  Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review or sponsor a product giveaway in return for the free product. All pictures are from the companies site, unless noted.
More giveaways on GPAC found HERE.


  1. My boys would love the Planet Frog!



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