Saturday, September 7, 2013

Simple Salmon Salad

Isn't it funny how kids will surprise you with what they will and won't eat? Like up until a few months ago my girls would eat raw salmon, but not cooked. Now they all will eat cooked salmon, Pixie doesn't eat it raw. I admittedly am not a huge fan of cooked salmon, I'd much rather have it raw. Pixie also only eats "clean" mushrooms, not "dirty". Meaning she will eat raw mushrooms, but not cooked ones. Weird kids here at Give Peas A Chance. I didn't think the kids would like this simple salad at all. I don't know. For one I haven't bought canned salmon in years. Because no one eats it. I remember as a child my mom would take a can of sardines in tomato sauce. She added cilantro, onions, and I don't even know what else. It was so good though. SO thought, everything is better with fresh cilantro, let's try it.
The kids loved it. Not kidding. I made one can for myself and they each had a bite. I ended up using three cans total during lunch. So odd. I really enjoyed it also. Spicy, tart, fresh cilantro. YUM. We just had it over lettuce. I wonder if I made this for them to take to school if they would eat it? Or if this was a fluke?
PS Pixie can't handle the jalapenos so I leave them off of her salad.

Give Peas A Chance Salmon Salad

2 cans Wild Alaskan Salmon, drained well (6 ounces each)
Zest from one lime
Juice from one lime
Kosher salt
Fresh cracked pepper
1-2 jalapenos, chopped (seeded if you don't want it too spicy)
1/3 cup chopped cilantro

Mix- lime zest, half the lime juice, 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt, and black pepper.
Toss the salmon gently with the lime dressing and jalapenos.
Taste salmon and adjust seasonings, salt, pepper, and lime juice.
Gently fold in cilantro.
Serve with crackers, on top of lettuce, in tomatoes, or just eat it!

-Check your Kosher salt, Diamond Crystal Kosher salt is the only one I've seen without additives. I was so frustrated when I glanced down at my blue box one day and saw that there wasn't just "salt" in there. Sigh.
- If you are making this ahead and want to store it in the refrigerator leave the cilantro out, and fold it in before serving.
- Sliced red onion would be good in this salad also.


  1. Looks wonderful, thank you for sharing!
    I am stopping by to say hello from the Modern Hippie Momma hop and I am looking forward to exploring your site and checking out your other recipes!


    1. thanks maria! I'll be visiting your blog here in a second!

  2. Love this simple and delicious! Thanks for sharing on This Momma's Meandering Mondays! :)


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