Monday, July 1, 2013

Jello Poke Cake

Good ol' Jello Poke Cake.
So easy. A ba-gillion million flavor combinations are possible. It's not good for you, but who cares. It makes people happy. I even used COOL WHIP :o really, I did. But see, I put a strawberry on top, and that's fruit. And fruit is healthy. TA-DA!
 Find the original post here with the crazy lopsided cake on Give Peas A Chance.


  1. My Mom used to make this way back in the 50s. I haven't had it in years.

    1. so yummy but def in a once in awhile treat!

  2. So colorful, I know my family will enjoy!

    We'd love to have this linked at our SUPER SUNDAY Link Party:

    Not Your Average Super Moms!

  3. Hello, strawberry Jello poke cake! WHERE have you been all my life? This looks absolutely DELICIOUS, Katherine! Thank you so much for linking up with me this week at Tasty Tuesdays! I’ve pinned this & shared it with my followers! Please be sure to stop back by the party and check out some of the other links!


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