Tuesday, July 16, 2013

2013 Bento 173-79 #takeitTuesday

Gosh, we've been so busy and running out the door lately. It's all I can do to get lunches packed, pictures? We're trying, but we're also busy checking off our Summer Bucket List!
School is just looming closer and closer. Or is it creeping? Whatever it is, I wish it wouldn't. Sigh. What about you ready for the kids to get back into school? Even if you don't have kids of your own, ready for the malls/stores to be less crowded during the day? LOL.
Are you packing lunches this year? To the office or for littles? What are you packing in? I'd love to know. Link me with some lunch packing goodies!

Above and below

(sorry for these blurry pictures)

Three lunches the same
Ham and cheese roll ups with lettuce
Blueberry muffins

Ham, cheese, lettuce roll up
And that's all I have for you this week. Tomorrow we're packing lunches, but it's for 8 of us to trek AALLLL day downtown DC. So I don't think I'll have pictures.

Planetbox info/reviews

1 comment:

  1. I think it makes food more appealing to have it all done up cute!


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