Sunday, March 24, 2013

Child Training Bible and Amazon Card GIVEAWAY

I'm a parent, and I think a lot of you that are here reading Give Peas A Chance are parents. If not to children of your own, you do have an impact on children around you. Even if you don't have children, don't know children, don't want children, this post/this product could still be for you.This is a long post, a post about my beliefs and where my heart is. I fully realize that not everyone believes what I believe, I can honor that. I ask that you also honor my heart towards my God, and what I believe also. This product can still be useful to you if you don't believe as I do, I'll make note of why I think so below.
It's no secret that I am a believer, though perhaps I write more about my walk and my struggles on Chaotic Balance. But here I am. I believe that God is the creator of all, I believe in the Trinity, I believe that Jesus is the Son of God, I believe that Jesus died and rose again on the third day for our sins. That he was/is atonement for our sins.
I am not perfect, oh I am SO far from it. I have my daily struggles and battles, just like everyone else. My house isn't always clean- lets be real, 10 years ago before I had kids I would tell you that my house now, is never as clean as it should be, my children bicker, I yell out of frustration, and blue box mac & cheese not only makes an appearance for dinner- it's a favorite. That being said, my deepest desire for my children is not that I feed them the healthiest or best gourmet foods I can find, that I have the cleanest house for them to come home to, or that I make the coolest craft projects with them. I enjoy doing things like that, and sometimes I do them right, sometimes I fail. It doesn't matter. My deepest desire for my children is that they would know God, love Him with all their heart, mind, and soul, that they would run after him. When I think of the task before me, raising these girls to be who God has made them to be, it's hard not to freak out a little. I mean obviously God is bigger than me and my fears, but come on, I freak out okay. I know me. I know me well. I will say again. I am not perfect. Praise God for his provision. You don't need much to parent/guide/point your children to Christ, you simply don't. God's word. That's it. That's all you need.

So why this Child Training Bible? Is this produced a necessity? No, but it is a tool. A good one.  A tool that directs us to the word of God to see what He says about certain topics. I'm not talking it just tells you what God's word says, I'm telling you that this system has you reading out of God's word. Big difference, no? It's not about "you can't do this, this, or that." It's about, "here is what the bible says about loving one another, forgiving one another, treating each other the way God wants us to treat one another". I can't stress this enough. When you use this product, it will reveal more of God's character to you. It's not about strict rules, it's about a loving God that wants to protect His children from heartache.
Mindy a mom of four and her husband came up with this. In her desire to train up her children with truth and the word of God, and have it be easily accessible God led her to put together the Child Training Bible. What is the Child Training Bible exactly? Here is a description from the website- (I'm getting to the part where this is NOT just for kids or people with children- promise.)
The Child Training Bible is tool that allows parents and children (and anyone that loves the Word of God) to go directly to the pages of Scripture for instruction in 20 key areas with a complete section dedicated to the gospel. 

The CTB was designed with Colossians 3:9-10 in mind.  “You have put off the old self with its practices and have put on the new self.”  The Scriptures selected for the CTB teach why we are to “put off” certain behavior and what godly behavior we are to “put on” instead.

The front key of the CTB is a visual index of the areas that Scripture teaches us to “put off.”  These areas correspond to color-coded tabs and highlighted text.  CTB Scriptures address both negative and positive responses with the emphasis on Jesus Himself, His perfect life as an example and gift to us.

To make a Child Training Bible you will use the CTB charts that include over 200 Scripture references, heart and gospel questions, and sample prayers.

 When I first thought about doing this review, I thought. Oh, this is perfect for instructing kids, because in the heat of the moment I'm not always thinking about the "whys" I'm just thinking "because mommy said so". Not that I think parents should always give a reason for requesting something of their children, not at all. Sometimes "because mommy said so" is enough. Other times though, there is something deeper, there is a lesson, a building block that needs to be set down firmly to build a strong foundation. In this case, marking and flagging the scriptures for teaching, that have to do with anger, fighting, back talking, lying, and more. Having them pre-marked to be able to sit down and not fumble through notes and concordances is nice, and not just saying "because the bible says you need to obey your parents in the Lord." That is truth, but what I love about this is that you open the word of God. You correct the behavior, and most importantly you point to Christ. There is forgiveness, mercy, grace. In doing so I reinforce several things-
  1. I am not just saying stuff to get my children to behave. (Not that I do that, of course. *guilty*)
  2. The Word of God is important to me.
  3. God has true wisdom, and we should seek his counsel. I desire to seek His counsel. (James 3:17 But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.)
  4. God's word is relevant NOW.  It is truth, it is unchanging. It is fresh, it is living, and it is necessary. (John17:17 Sanctify them by truth, Your Word is truth. Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.)
  5. I love Jesus, I want to know more about Him, I want to honor him in all I do. I want my children to see that I put God and what His word says above all else.
So this is a parenting thing right? NO! Not at all. I think the Child Training Bible can be used by anyone. Don't believe in Jesus or God, but just want to know what the bible says about Jesus, impatience, laziness, making excuses, fear, etc? This is an easy guide to some of what God says about those topics. The Child Training Bible can also be used as a topical bible study. Take a section and go through all the verses that pertain to the topic. See what God has to say about talking back, about lying. You can use this as a personal study, as a youth group study, homeschooling, adult studies.
 As I went through the scriptures putting our Child Training Bible together, it just reinforced how I should be seeking to honor God. Going through the verses, meditating on God's words. I had Diva go through most of the scriptures with me, we're not even done yet. I had her mark her bible. Why? Because the scriptures aren't just for little children. They are a guide for all of us. One day, when I'm not around and Diva is feeling.. angry, frustrated, jealousy, fearful, etc. She will have those verses marked. Sure not every verse for "anger" is going to be marked with this system, but some are. She will see what God's word has to say about how to handle her feelings, how to react in her relationships. Don't we all need that? To be more Christ-like? To decrease so that we can be more like who we claim to love? I know I need it. Like air and water, I am so desperate for it.
 How do you use this? There is a great video HERE. It's not hard to use, here it is in a nutshell-
  1. Pray.
  2. If you are using this during a time of teaching when your children have misbehaved, make sure you are all calm.
  3. Find the topic you need to read about, reinforce, or teach on key at the front of your bible.
  4. Read some or all of the verses.
  5. Use the questions on the back of the cards as a guide to the heart of the problem, and the heart of your child- or yourself ;).
  6. Discuss the gospel questions to point your child to Jesus. Learn about GRACE, MERCY. There is always forgiveness.
  7. Pray with your children.
 This is a lot right? This is a long review. I know it was, but the thing is I feel this product is a gift from God, a way to reference His word, that points to Him and only Him. If you are a family that seeks to train/guide your child in the way of God, this is something that I feel is so helpful.

You can find the Child Training Bible
Would you like to win a Child Training Bible Chart Set ?
It includes-
 1 Child Training Bible Key
  3 Scripture Tabbing Charts (double-sided)
 Set of Instructions

I am personally adding a $10 Amazon credit to this prize pack that you can use for purchasing a bible, tabs, etc. As a thank you for visiting Give Peas A Chance.  Have a blessed Passover/Holy week!

  If you are in the US, have a US address, and are 18 years of age or older, enter below to win. Read the rules HERE, first.

Disclaimer: I was provided a free sample/s of this product to review, and I was under no obligation to review it if I so chose.  Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review or sponsor a product giveaway in return for the free product. All pictures are from the companies site, unless noted.
More giveaways on GPAC found HERE.

MOBILE friendly link is HERE.


  1. I would like to win because I want to see my son put together his own Child Training Bible. With some special needs, I think putting his own together would really cement the verses into his heart and help him cope better with his day. Thank you.

  2. I really really wanna win this prize, because it could help me so much impart bible lessons to my 5 children.

  3. I would love to win the CTB as it is a parenting tool literally based in the Bible! And it is great for kids and parents alike :)

  4. I would love to win the Child Training Bible because I want my boys to be able to look up scriptures themselves and to enjoy studying the Bible.

  5. I would love to win this to use as a parenting tool with my 3 boys.

  6. Good luck everyone! Have a great week!

  7. This would be awesome to win!!!


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