Friday, November 30, 2012

Free Friday- I sure do like them Christmas Cookies...

So I made these cookies for the kids to decorate at our Operation Christmas Child party. These are my favorite (and my family's favorite) sugar cookies. They are so easy to make, there is NO mess, no flour all over if you roll them like I do. I posted the recipe and my method (Sugga Cookies) HERE. For these trees, I didn't use a cookie cutter. I didn't want to bring them out of storage. So I just rolled the dough (while soft) into disks between wax paper or use parchment. Not adding flour keeps the cookies tender too. Chilled each disk very well. Then cut it like a pizza with a sharp knife. So they don't like like trees really, but the kids didn't seem to care.
Easy peasy.
What Christmas baking are you doing this year?


  1. What a great idea! I love that you just rolled and cut :) And they are so cute! Yum!

    1. Thanks Angela too bad my DH didn't think they looked too much like trees


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