Friday, December 23, 2011

GPAC Sugga Sugga Cookies

I have never been a good roll out sugar cookie baker. This year I FINALLY was successful! I love big, thick, tender cookies. I don't like dry, crisp ones. These bake up beautifully and don't sink in the middle. I have made so many recipes and just could not find one I loved. These cookies are so tender, soft, they hold their shape, they aren't overly sweet and have an amazing flavor. I will NOT be buying anymore $6 cookie pops that I crave because I couldn't replicate their cookies.
Another thing is the mess it takes to roll cookies out, I hate it. I groan when the girls want cut out cookies. Even with my roul pat. These are a cinch to roll out, I don't get flour everywhere and my rolling pin stays nice and clean. These aren't messy at all! I'll tell you my secret!
You've got to try these cookies. They aren't overly sweet so when you frost them they are perfect. DH asked me if they were hard to bake because they were so good. If you don't want to roll them you can cut and slice them also!
Chilled cookies, ready for the oven.

GPAC Sugga Sugga Cookies
1 1/2 cups unsalted butter, softened
1 3/4 cups sugar (1 1/2 cups of sugar works, just know that you'll have to add more flour in the end)
4 eggs
3 teaspoons almond extract
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon salt- optional
1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
4 cups all purpose flour
up to 2 cups more of all purpose flour

  1. Cream the butter and sugar in a mixer until light and fluffy, 2-3 minutes. 
  2. Add the eggs and extracts. Beat well.
  3.  In a separate bowl stir the salt, baking powder and 4 cups of flour. Add the flour to the butter mixture and stir with the mixer. The flour will start coming together, if it looks sticky add flour 1/4 cup at a time. to test the dough, stop the mixer, press gently on the dough, if it sticks to your fingers add more flour. If it comes together and still soft you're done. You don't want a dry, crumbly dough. I ended up using 5 3/4 cup of flour almost 6 cups, and I used 1 1/2 cups of sugar this time. I'll update when I make these again if that changes.
  4. Take the dough, while it is soft and divide it into three pieces on wax paper. Place another piece of wax paper on top. Roll the dough out to 1/4- 1/2 inch thickness. The rolling pin won't touch the dough at all. 
  5. Once rolled out put the dough (wax paper still on it) on a cookie sheet. Put the cookie sheet in the freezer for about 1 hour. I had it in there while I made peppermint kiss cookies, and they were in there while I made that dough and baked all those cookies up. The dough needs to be thoroughly chilled and firm.
  6. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.
  7. Take one sheet of dough out of the freezer. Peel back the wax paper on one side just to loosen it, but keep it on the dough. Turn the dough over and peel back that wax paper and set it aside. Cut out the cookies with your cutter. I did not need to flour my cookie cutters because the dough was very cold. Place the shapes onto a parchment lined cookie sheet. Put the cookies into the freezer if the dough has gotten soft or warm, about 10 minutes. Put the scraps on a piece of wax paper to re-roll and chill for more cookies.
  8. Bake the cookies for 6-8 minutes. These should not be browning, if they do you have over cooked them. I baked mine for 3 minutes and 30 seconds, rotated the one pan in the oven and baked for another 3 minutes and 30 seconds.
  9. Let the cookies cool for 1-2 minutes before transferring to a cooling rack. Cool completely before decorating.
Cool completely before stacking these, or they will stick a little.
Here are some pictures of the kiddos decorating these

All ready! I have a box of 1000 sheets of this parchment. And yes, there was still sprinkles all over.
 I used coffee filters to contain some of the sprinkles. Before the girls sprinkled their cookies I had them put the cookie on a coffee filter. Once they sprinkled the cookies all the extra sprinkles were in the coffee filters ready for someone else to use it.

When you're three, you don't understand why just a little icing doesn't hold the 1/2 inch thick layer of sprinkles and candies you put on top of your cookie. Poor Pixie.
More cookies

Thanks for reading Give Peas A Chance!
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  1. Awesome! Thank you for the tricks to easy sugar cookies. I have to admit that I avoid making them because of the mess. Now my boys will be thrilled. :-)

  2. I totally understand @jeanlaura! I didn't like the mess either! LOL Have a great time baking cookies

  3. Can't believe the girls are so grown-up. Cuter than ever! Have a Merry Christmas!

  4. Ohh cookies, another paradise for me and these ones look pretty tasty. I am glad they came out as you desired.

  5. Thanks Cheri!! you too!
    Miss Lego. thanks so much!

  6. so cute. Thanks for linking this in to Food on Friday, Katherine. Cheers


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