Monday, December 12, 2011

Mommy Parties/Oral-B Crest Pro-Health FOR ME

Concession stand and "swag" table. Lots of light in that room so the carrots and Hotdog buns are glowing!
Not too long ago I was chosen to host a party by Mommy Parties/Oral-B Crest Pro-Health FOR ME. I was sent goodies for the gift bags, popcorn, fun ideas, a game and a Cars 2 DVD! So really, easy peasy! I just set up, made the food and invited the guests! I was excited to have a little get together for the girls. They all have summer birthdays so we don't always get to have friends over for parties. The girls were so helpful with party set up. 
Diva and Piglet did all the work for the "cars" we made for our little drive in. Check out these fun seats! We didn't make a car for every child, because Diva wanted to sit on the couch and I was sure other children would also. Here are our drive in "cars". The girls made 8 of them.
Diva taping on the headlights.
We had all sorts of kinds of cars! I didn't have enough cardboard boxes and I didn't want to buy new ones, just to turn around and recycle them. So we used some other toy bins and laundry baskets!

 Oral-B/Crest also sent this game for the party. It is a poster that says "Yucky mouth" and "Healthy mouth" and the kids got to place different foods and pictures under the corresponding category! It was Diva's job to ask the children if they wanted to place some of the pictures on the poster when they came in.

Once everyone arrived we let them pick where they wanted to sit, then we showed everyone where the "concession stand" was.
Popcorn bucket cupcakes and Raisinets.
I got these cute little Nacho trays to serve hot dogs and carrot sticks with dip in. I wasn't brave enough to serve Nachos, maybe next time! I also had some Cars 2 fruit snacks, Cars 2 juice boxes and Raisinets. For dessert made these cupcakes, I'll put up a different post about these later. 
Popcorn bucket cupcakes, I formed the popcorn kernels with marshmallows.
There was popcorn also. Lots of it! The best thing about the drive in cars was that I had NO popcorn on the floor to sweep up! Everything stayed in the boxes!
Movie time!! The movie held the children's attention well. It was a funny movie!

Pixie, eating and watching Cars 2!

It's a packed house!

I let the parents know that kids could bring blankets, pillows and that they could wear something comfy or jammies if they wanted to. The kids were so excited to fill their bags with goodies, I forgot to take pictures! I blew up quite a number of balloons though!
We had so much fun throwing this party and our guest had fun also! Thanks so much Mommy Parties/Oral-B/Crest!

Find them on Twitter

Look what Oral B/Crest sent for the party!
For the "swag bags"
  •    Toothbrushes
  • bottles of rinse- each family went home with a bottle 
  •     11 Flossers/Picks 
  • 11 Full-size Pro-Health toothpaste
  • Gummy Vitamins samples 
  •   Balloons
  • coupons
 They also sent-
·         Host party packet – includes welcome letter, recipes and movie viewing party agenda, product sheet handouts for hosts/guests, movie viewing invites, coupons
·         Cars II DVD
·         Popcorn/Popcorn boxes
·         Yucky Mouth vs. Health Mouth activity
·         26 Tips/Trivia for Healthier Teeth
I was sent product and supplies for this party. I was not paid for this post and all opinions are my own.

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