Monday, November 28, 2011


Fyrflyz is such a cool little toy! It's a twist on the classic Yo-yo. Very easy to use. Fyrflyz toys are one of the "hot items" this season.  They won a Platnium Oppenhaeim Toy portfolio award. They are nominated as one of the top toys of 2011 from Time To Play's, People's Play awards. The Children's Museum of Indianapolis named this one of their top ten toys for the holiday season! This is one cool toy!
This is a fun and simple toy to play with. It is marketed for children ages 8 and up. The girls turn off the dinning room lights at night and just play with this, then watch their dad do tricks with it also. My husband kept telling me, you need to write an awesome review, this is a great toy. I'll never live up to his expectations so-
For about $10 it's so very affordable.
Here's a Youtube video showing how the toy is played with and what you can do with it

Find Fyrflyz
You can purchase these online and at select retailers, check the list here to find one close to you!

US residents 18 and over, enter to win on of your own Fyrflyz below!

 Disclaimer: I was provided a free sample of this product to review, and I was under no obligation to review it if I so chose.  Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review or sponsor a product giveaway in return for the free product.


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