Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Kid Safety Band Giveaway

Is that really my youngest child's feet? Awwww... ok, sorry my youngest child is no longer a baby. *sniff* They grow up so fast.
See that orange band on her ankle? It's a Kid Safety Band. It's a little band that has my contact info on it with Pixie's initials. Just in case we get separated at the park, zoo, museum etc. It's awesome because she doesn't know our phone number yet, so this is a little safety net. Just in case. The cool thing is you can personalize it with medical information also.

I put Pixie's bracelet on her ankle so she doesn't mess with it. They are the silicone bracelets and not meant to be toys.  But they are meant to be bracelets and come in 3 sizes. The bracelets are only $5.00 each.
Cool, right?
Would you like to get one? Order HERE, they accept paypal too. You can also connect with them on their Facebook page.
If you'd like to win one enter below via Rafflecopter

*I was sent a product sample for review. All opinions are my own and I was not compensated for this review.*

1 comment:

  1. We travel A LOT as a military family, this would be awesome to have for the monsters while traveling!


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