Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Reeeeddd Robin... YUM

My eldest DD loves to say that, "Reeeeddd Robbbiin, YUM", she's four, it's catchy. That and the fact that she's got a mind like a steel trap that doesn't forget anything, except where she left her shoes. She's also an advertisers dream like her mom. I'll admit it, catch phrases, jingles and nice ads will get me in the door looking at your product. Moving on, this is a good start isn't it? An all American Restaurant chain. How's that for gourmet, makes you want to make a reservation food? Diva- the four year old, picked it. I gave her a choice on Good Friday. The place was packed, I thought arriving for lunch would be a good idea. We were seated an hour after we got there because, "the kitchen was behind". The girls were fine, they had balloons and a basket of hot fries that were being passed out, that and I truly have good kids, in spite of who their mother is.
So Red Robin, what do people go there for? DH says not the shakes, don't get the shakes. (He warned us a couple weeks before when we thought we would go there for dinner, place wasn't opened yet, the nearest Red Robin after that? a 400+ mile trip out of state, I kid you not, Greg told me. Greg is my GPS. We're close.)
If you like potatoes, the steak fries are good. I am OK with potatoes I can take them or leave them but these fries are good especially with the Red Robin seasoned salt. The girls had Grilled chicken with pasta and mandarin oranges. The pasta was slightly over cooked, tossed with Parmesan cheese and chicken. Eh, it was OK. I generally don't give my kids "kid version" of things. They have a wide palate and I think that's why.
I had that monstrosity of a burger you see. It's the Santa Fe, roasted Poblano pepper, guacamole, sauteed onions, crisp tortilla strips, pepper jack cheese and an ancho chili mayonnaise that I asked for on the side. I also asked for a fried egg to top it all off. As far as burgers go, it was good. I ate it all, except a few bites.
Seasoned Salt. I bet it has MSG in it, I bet that's why it's so good. If you know it has MSG in it do not post to tell me.


  1. PS...awesome idea for a blog!! :) I love it!

  2. I'm so totally guilty. Red Robin is one of our absolute favorite 'family' places. However, there's not one here. :( That doesn't stop me from having friends back in Washington send me bottles of Red Robin seasoning every couple months. :D I use it for all things potato, popcorn, even chicken or steak in a pinch! It's yummy yummy stuff. :)



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