Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Larb Gai

Tonight we made Larb Gai for dinner, I have TON of pictures, but I have so much to do! There is so many ways of making this spicy chicken salad. There are Lao versions, Thai versions, some have a more saucy dressing some are lightly coated with dressing. It can be made with different meats. The fresh herbs are a must and freshly toasted rice powder is also a must. The DH and kiddos LOVE this dish... did I mention how much I love having my mom around?


  1. This looks so good I can't wait to make it! There is only one problem, when the web page is downloading you can see the pictures but when the page is finish downloading the pictures vanish. Maybe the server is down. I made the pho soup and my kids and husband love it! I've always wanted to know how to make it but could never find someone who had the ingredients that I was looking for. Thanks again. Lisa

  2. I love that! Had no idea it had rice powder in it - maybe your mom could come visit me for a couple of days :)


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