Monday, August 18, 2008

Finished custom felt toys...

But first a vent, I am so irritated with the computer- desktop, I am on the laptop right now, grrr. OK that's all...

On to more fun things for me, I finished up some customs and they are ready to be shipped out to their new homes! I hope the mama's that ordered them like them!!

For some odd reason making these balls were harder than others I have done. But they are done! I also made a cute Mermaid ball and a little doll that the girls call baby Jesus. The pictures are stuck on the desktop though...

First up a set of Halloween juggling balls...

The next set is for a mama who wanted Cookie Monster and a Wiggles ball....

That's it for now!


  1. Oh those are wicked. I love the Pumpkin King one - jack rocks :P

  2. Those are great! My son would LOVE the jack one.


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